Replace a Plugin

You can replace an existing product plugin to a different version of the same product plugin.

SDM service continues for plugin network functions (NF) and their respective devices when the replacement version of the plugin is installed successfully.


More than one version of a plugin can be uploaded to SDM.
  1. On the menu bar, select Tools > Plugin Management
  2. In the Element Manager Plugins table, select the plugin row and click Install.


    A warning appears that this process suspends SDM service for any devices associated with the plugin.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, click Yes to continue the product plugin installation.
    A dialog box displays the successful replacement of the plugin and all affected services return to operation. If there are any NFs that are no longer supported by the installed plugin, all devices belonging to these NFs are marked as unmanageable and can be removed by the system administrator manually.
  4. If the dialog box shows that the replacement of the plugin failed, you are prompted to resolve the identified problem if applicable. Once any applicable error(s) are fixed, click Recover to put the system into a state where another installation of the plugin can be attempted.