Uninstall a Plugin

When a plugin is uninstalled, it is out of service. SDM loses the ability to manage the network functions (NF) and their respective devices that are dependent on this plugin. For example, configuration, polling, trap processing, device statistic gathering, and so on are suspended. However, the devices themselves continue to operate normally on the network.

  1. On the menu bar, select Tools > Plugin Management
  2. In the Element Manager Plugins table, select the installed plugin row and click Uninstall.
  3. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
  4. In the success dialog box, click OK.


    The plugin continues to be listed in the Element Manager Plugins table on the EM tab. The Status column shows the state of the plugin as UNINSTALLED and the functionality of that plugin ceases. For example, sliders, folder and leaf nodes may disappear and fields, drop down lists, and so on may disappear from functionality that remains.
  5. If the dialog box shows that the plugin failed to uninstall, you are prompted to resolve the identified problem if applicable. Once any applicable error(s) are fixed, click Recover until it is successfully uninstalled.

You can now choose to install a new product plugin, new version of a product plugin, or install a previous version of a product plugin.