Creating Users

  1. Expand the Security Manager slider and choose User Management > Users.
  2. In the Users pane, click Add.
  3. In the Add User dialog box, complete the following fields:
    Name Description
    Group Assigned group drop-down list Choose from the following pre-existing user groups:
    • administrators—This super user group privileged to perform all operations.
    • LIAdministrators—This user group is privileged to perform most operations including Lawful Intercept (LI) configuration changes. These privileges do not include changing the default administrator user credentials. For example, users assigned to the default LI administration group cannot enable or disable accounts, change passwords, or expiration dates for other users in the default LI administration and administration groups.
    • provisioners—This group is privileged to configure Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager and save and apply the configuration with the exception of a LI configuration.
    • monitors—This group is privileged to view configuration data and other types of data only. This group cannot configure Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager, and has the fewest privileges.
    User information User name field The name of the user using the following guidelines:
    • Use a minimum of 3 characters and maximum of 50 characters.
    • The name must start with an alphabetical character.
    • The use of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
    • The name is case insensitive.
    • The name cannot be the same as an existing group name.
    User information Password field The password is entered for this user using the following password rules guidelines:
    • The password must be at least 8 characters long.
    • Use at least one numeric character from 0 to 9 in the password.
    • Use at least one alphabetic character from the English language alphabet in the password.
    • Special characters include {, |, }, ~, [, \, ], ^, _, ‘, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, !, “, #, $, %, &, `, (, ), *, +, ,, -, ., and /
    User information Confirm password field The same password entered again to confirm it.
    User account expiration dates Account field

    Uncheck the check box to change the user account expiration date.

    Click the calendar icon to open a calendar to choose the date after which the user account expires.


    If the check box is checked (default) the user account never expires.
    Password expiration dates Password field

    Uncheck the check box to change the password expiration date.

    Click the calendar icon to open a calendar to choose the date after which the user password expires.


    If the check box is checked (default) the password never expires.
  4. Click OK.
    The following information displays in the Users table:
    Name Description
    User name column The user name.
    Group column The user group to which the user belongs.
    Status column The status of the user account is either enabled or disabled.
    Operation status field The state of the user account and its expiration date:
    • active—The account is valid and the user can log in. Neither the account nor password expiration dates have been exceeded.
    • account expired—The account expiration date has expired.
    • password expired—The password expiration date has expired.
    • password deactivated—The failed login attempts by the user exceeded the allowed number of tries as specified by the value set for password reuse count parameter in password rules.
    • locked out—The user has exceeded the login failures and the account is disabled until the lockout duration has passed.