Canned Reports

Report Manager comes with the following predefined reports:
  • Dashboard—Displays space used, fan speed, temperature, and voltage.
  • Performance—Displays CPU, memory, registration cache, and concurrent sessions.
  • QoS—Displays RFactor, major exceeded, critical exceeded, and successful sessions.
  • Registrations—Displays total registrations, initial registrations, refresh registrations, and de-registrations.
  • Security—Displays ACL entries, requests and message status, ACL entry promotions and demotions, and demotions.
  • Session Realm—Displays calls per second, QoS RFactor, answer seizure ratio, and one-way signalling latency.
  • Summary—Displays sessions, session state, dialogs, and errors.

To run a canned report:

  1. In the toolbar, click Catalog.
  2. In the Folders section, navigate to Shared Folders > OCSRM > Reports.
  3. Select one of the following folders:
    • Dashboard
    • Performance
    • QoS
    • Registrations
    • Security
    • Session Realm
    • Summary
    canned reports
  4. To run the report, select Open under the time granularity you want (Daily, Hourly, Monthly, Yearly).
  5. To schedule a report, click Schedule.
  6. To manage the job or edit start and end times, click Jobs.
  7. To view the job history, click Job History.
  8. To add the report to your Favorites, click More > Add to Favorites.