Demoting a Georedundant CMP Cluster

In a two-cluster CMP topology, you can demote the primary cluster (which is typically the Site 1 cluster) to secondary status. You would do this, for example, prior to performing site-wide maintenance that affects service (such as replacing a server) or if the primary cluster has failed completely and is unreachable.
Note: This is a manual process.

When you demote a CMP cluster, the secondary site (which is typically the Site 2 cluster) can be promoted to the primary site (see Promoting a Georedundant CMP Cluster for details). This promoted status will persist until you manually demote the new primary site or the primary site fails over for some reason.

CAUTION: Demote the primary CMP cluster before promoting another CMP cluster to avoid having both georedundant clusters active at the same time. Continuous and rapid failovers (flopping back and forth) between georedundant clusters is not recommended and should be avoided. Improper cluster failover can result in loss of data or interruption of network services on the CMP cluster.

To demote a georedundant CMP cluster:

  1. Log in to the currently active georedundant CMP cluster:
    1. From the Platform Setting section of the navigation pane, select Topology Settings.

      The Cluster Configuration page opens; the initial group is All Clusters.

    2. From the content tree, select All Clusters.

      The Cluster Configuration page opens.
      Note: The name of the primary CMP cluster is marked with (P), and the name of the secondary cluster is marked with (S).
      You should see the operations View and Demote.

  2. Open a second browser window and log in to the secondary CMP cluster.

    The page displays the a message indicating that you are signed into Secondary Active server.
    Note: The state of the servers of the primary cluster is not available to the secondary active server and appears as Out-of-Service.

  3. Verify the status of the secondary cluster by doing the following on the secondary CMP cluster:
    1. From the Platform Setting section of the navigation pane, select Topology Settings.

      The Cluster Configuration page opens; the initial group is All Clusters.

    2. From the content tree, select All Clusters.

      The Cluster Configuration page opens.
      CAUTION: If you do not see the same information in this step as you did in 2, stop this procedure and do not try to change the current active georedundant cluster. Contact My Oracle Support before proceeding.

  4. Return to the browser window showing the primary CMP cluster.

    You should still be on the Cluster Configuration page.

  5. In the Cluster Settings table, in the row listing the primary CMP cluster, click Demote.

    A confirmation message displays.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Log out of the primary CMP system for the cluster you have just demoted.
The primary CMP cluster is demoted to secondary status.

After demoting a primary cluster, you must promote the secondary cluster for it to become active. See Promoting a Georedundant CMP Cluster for detailed information.