Configuring LDAP Server Information

On the Server Info tab, enter the following:

  1. Select the Role from the list:

    • Primary

      Indicates the data source that performs the initial lookup operation.

    • Secondary

      Indicates a dependency on the results of the initial lookup operation to the primary data source.

    Note: You must configure the secondary data source as an Associated Data Source in the primary data source configuration.

  2. Enter an Unique Name.

    Identifies the data source.

  3. Select to enable the Admin State (that is, enable this data source).

    The default value is enabled. If disabled, the server receives no primary or secondary queries.

  4. Select Read Enabled.

    Enables read access to this data source. The default value is enabled.

  5. If you specified the Role as Primary, select Write Enabled.

    Enables write access to this data source. The default value is disabled.

  6. Enter the Primary Host.

    Specifies the FQDN or IP address (in IPv4 or IPv6 format) of the primary LDAP server.

  7. Enter the Primary Port number.

    The default value is 389.

  8. Enter the Secondary Host.

    Specifies the FQDN or IP address (in IPv4 or IPv6 format) of the secondary LDAP server.

  9. Enter the Secondary Port number.

    The default value is 389.

  10. Enter the Tertiary Host.

    Specifies the FQDN or IP address (in IPv4 or IPv6 format) of the tertiary LDAP server.

  11. Enter the Tertiary Port number.

    The default value is 389.

  12. Enter the Authentication DN.

    Specifies the Distinguished Name (DN) used for binding (that is, establishing a connection) to the LDAP database. The DN can refer to an entry in the directory or to a relative distinguished name (RDN). RDN attributes include:
    • cn

      Common name

    • uid

      User ID

    • ou

      Organizational unit

    • o

      Domain name

    For example, cn=PolicyServer,ou=galactel, See About LDAP Data Sources for more information.

  13. Enter the LDAP Password.

    This parameter is required for read-only access the LDAP directory. The MPE device must bind to the LDAP server with the Authentication DN and the LDAP Password to access the database.

  14. If you specified the Role as Secondary, select the number of Read Connections from the list.

    You can select up to 10 connections. The default value is one.

  15. If you specified the Role as Primary, select the number of Write Connections from the list.

    You can select up to 10 connections. The default value is one.

  16. If you specified the Role as Secondary, proceed with Defining LDAP Search Criteria; otherwise, click Save.