Rescheduling a Task

To reschedule a scheduled task:
  1. From the System Administration section of the navigation pane, select Scheduled Tasks.

    The Scheduled Task Administration page opens showing the settings for the available scheduled tasks.

  2. To configure a scheduled task, click the task name.

    The page displays the current settings and status for the selected scheduled task.

  3. Click Reschedule.

    The reschedule configuration settings appear.

  4. To Schedule by Interval:
    1. Select the date and time for the Next Run Time.
    2. For the Run Interval, select the Hours or Minutes.

      Valid intervals are from 0 to 24 hours in 5-minute increments.

  5. To schedule the task Following Another Task, select the Task to Follow from the list.
  6. Click Save.
The scheduled task is rescheduled.