Managing Scheduled Tasks

The CMP system runs batch jobs to complete certain operations. These tasks are scheduled to run at regular intervals, with some tasks scheduled to run in a certain order. You can change the scheduling, reschedule, enable or disable these tasks to better manage network load or to propagate a network element change to the Policy Management devices on demand. You can also abort a running task.

CAUTION: Oracle recommends that you follow the order in which scheduled tasks are listed. Serious system problems can occur if the order is changed. Consult My Oracle Support (MOS) before changing the order of task execution.
The tasks include:
Alert Aging
Ensures that alerts age out and are eventually removed from the CMP database. (The valid range is 1 to 365 days.)
Stats Files Synchronization #1, 2, 3, 4
Synchronizes stats files to defined remote server. Up to four synchronization tasks can be defined, and they are scheduled independently. Statistics files are generated and synchronized to external systems only from the active CMP system. This task retries when the remote server is unreachable. The default number of retries is three times in each one minute interval. The maximum number of retries in one minute is five times. If a transfer period is missed, the next time the remote server is reached any files from the missed transfer periods are transferred. Remote server information that must be defined before this task runs is: Host Name/IP address, Remote repository path, and SSH user login and password.
Note: An external system must be configured before beginning this task. If no external system is configured in any of the Stats File Synchronization tasks, no stats files are generated.
Note: If access to configuration is restricted to Read-Only, you will not be able to configure this task.
Health Checker
Periodically checks the MPE devices to ensure that they are online.
SMS Statistics Files Uploading
Uploads SMS notification statistics files to the defined remote server. The default interval is one hour. The statistics files contain logs of all generated CMPP SMS messages. The logs include SMS sending times and results, triggering policy IDs and names, subscriber IDs, connection IDs, and message IDs.
This task retries when the remote server is unreachable if the retry limit is set to greater than 0. If the task cannot reach the remote server, a major alarm is triggered. The task clears the alarm if it succeeds at the next scheduled interval. If an upload period is missed, any files from the missed upload period are uploaded at the next scheduled interval.
Note: This task depends on the SMS Relay configuration. See SMS Relay Configuration Options for details.
Note: A remote server must be defined before beginning this task. If no remote server is defined, this task will fail. Remote server information that must be defined is: Host Name/IP Address, FTP user credentials, and the path of the remote repository.
Note: CMPP and Wireless-C mode must be enabled and the CMPP log level must be set to INFO. See the following for detailed information: CMP Modes and Configuring a Scheduled Task.
OM Statistics
Periodically retrieves Operational Measurement (OM) statistics from all Policy Management devices.
The Operational Measurements XML interface retrieves operational counters from the system. The OM interface requires that the OM Statistics scheduled task be running on the CMP system. After the specified Stats Collection Period, this task collects the operational counters from the Policy Management devices in the network and records them in the CMP database; the data is then available for query via the OM XML interface. You can configure the task to poll at intervals between 5 minutes and 24 hours, with a default value of 15 minutes; the system keeps the data available for query for 1 to 30 days, with a default value of 7 days. The recommended settings for this task will vary depending on the volume of data you are collecting.
When you request OM statistics, the data for the response is taken from the information that has been collected by this task. You must gather data using the OM Statistics scheduled task if you want data available for subsequent OM queries.
Most values returned as part of the response are presented as the positive change between the start time and end time. To calculate a response, you must have a minimum of two recorded values available; thus you must run the OM Statistics task at least twice in a given time period before you can obtain any statistical data from the OSSI XML interface. OSSI XML Interface Definitions Reference describes the OM Interface and the OM Statistics in detail.
Stats File Generator
Generates statistics files by extracting the data from the CMP database using the OSSI XML interface. This task is also responsible for cleaning up the statistics files. The available settings for this task are: Local Repository directory (the default is /var/camiant/stats_export); Maximum age to keep files, in hours (default is 72 hours); File Format, either XML (default) or CSV; and Stats Type, which lets you select the statistics groups to extract. For information on the individual statistics in each available group, see OSSI XML Interface Definitions Reference.
PM Statistics Files Uploading
Uploads Performance Management (PM) statistics to the remote FTP server.
PM Statistics
Queries statistics data from the OSSI/XML interface or the TPD platform and writes the data to an XML file.
Legacy OM Statistics
Periodically retrieves OM statistics from MPE devices executing the previous release of Policy Management software. This task should be run only during migration between software releases.
Subscriber Distributor
Reads subscriber data from the CMP database and then distributes it to the appropriate Policy Management devices within the system.
Replication Statistics
Generates replication statistics for MPE and MRA servers.
Note: The run interval should be the same as the Stats Collection Period. For more information, see Setting Stats Settings.