Logging in to the CMP System

The CMP system supports either HTTP or HTTPS access. Access is controlled by a standard username and password login scheme.
Note: If you are using the CMP system for the first time, Oracle recommends that you change the default password for your user name. See Changing a Password for details.
Before logging in, you need to know the following:
  • The IP address of the CMP system
  • Your assigned username
  • Your account password
Note: The profile admin has full access privileges and is the assumed profile used in all procedures described in this document. You cannot delete this user profile.

To log in to the CMP system:

  1. Open a web browser and enter the IP address for the CMP system.

    Note: You can configure the title and text that appear on the login page. For information on changing this page, see Configuring System Settings.

  2. Enter your Username and Password.

    Note: See your System Administrator if you experience problems logging in.

  3. Click Login.

    The CMP main page opens.

You are logged in.