Step 2: Setting Up the Georedundant Sites

Prior to performing this step you must have competed Step 1: Setting Up Server-C.
CAUTION: This procedure interrupts service.

To create georedundant primary and secondary sites:

  1. Log in to the CMP system, using its OAM VIP address.

  2. If this is the first georedundant cluster in your topology, configure the CMP system to enable Manage Geo-Redundant mode.

    With georedundancy enabled, the content tree shows the All Sites group when you select Topology Settings from the Platform Setting section of the navigation pane.

  3. From the Platform Setting section of the navigation pane, select Topology Settings.

    The Cluster Configuration page opens.

  4. From the content tree, select the All Sites group.

    The Site Configuration page opens.

  5. Click Create Site.

    The New Site page opens.

  6. Enter the Name for the site name: Site-1.
  7. Enter the number of Max Primary Site Failure Threshold.

    The default value is zero (0).

  8. Select the HW Type from the list.
  9. With the hardware type selected, configure the General Network settings:
    1. Enter the OAM VLAN ID.
    2. Enter the SIG-A VLAN ID.
    3. (Optional) Enter the SIG-B VLAN ID.
    4. (Optional) Enter the SIG-C VLAN ID.
  10. Click Save.

    See Setting Up a Georedundant Site for more information.

    The sites become visible on the Site Configuration page.
    Successful Site Creation

  11. From the content tree, select the All Clusters group.

    The Cluster Configuration page opens, displaying the defined clusters.

  12. On the Cluster Configuration page, for the MPE cluster you are expanding with Server-C, click the View operation.

    The Topology Configuration page opens for the selected MPE cluster.

  13. Click Modify Primary Site.

    The fields in the Primary Site Settings section of the page becomes editable.

  14. In the Primary Site Settings section of the page:
    1. In the Site Name field, select the primary site name (Site-1 in this example).
    2. Confirm the configuration settings in the HW Type field, Network Configuration section, and Signaling VIPs field.
    3. If the REP network is used, in the User Defined Network section, enter the VLAN ID for the REP network.
  15. In the Server-A section of the page:
    1. Confirm the settings in the General Settings section.
    2. In the Path Configuration section, click Add New.

      The New Path dialog box appears.
      1. Enter the Static IP address and subnet Mask.
      2. Select the Interface (for this example, the SIG-A network).
      3. Click Save.

    3. If the REP network is used, repeat step 16b for the REP network.
  16. Repeat step 11 for Server-B.

    The Primary Site Settings are defined.

  17. Click Save.

    A restart message appears.

  18. Click OK.

    Server-A restarts.

The two sites, primary and secondary, and the georedundant primary MPE cluster are configured.
Proceed to Step 3: Setting Up Primary Site Cluster.