Step 4: Setting Up the Secondary Site with Server-C

Before you proceed, you must have completed Step 3: Setting Up Primary Site Cluster.

CAUTION: This procedure interrupts service.

To configure the secondary site and Server-C settings:

  1. From the Platform Setting section of the navigation pane, select Topology Settings.

    The Cluster Configuration page opens; the initial group is All Clusters.

  2. From the content tree, select All Clusters.

    The Cluster Configuration page opens.

  3. Click View for the MPE cluster you are expanding with Server-C.

    The Topology Configuration page for the selected MPE cluster opens.

  4. Click Modify Secondary Site.

    The fields in the Secondary Site Settings section of the page become editable.

  5. In the Secondary Site Settings section of the page:
    1. Select the secondary Site Name from the list: Site-2.
    2. Confirm the configuration settings: HW Type, Network Configuration, and Signaling VIPs.
    3. If the REP network is used, in the User Defined Network section, enter the VLAN ID for the REP network.
  6. In the Server-C section of the page, click Add Server-C.

    The Server-C section becomes editable.

  7. To enter the OAM IP address, click Add New VIP.

    The New IP dialog box appears.

    1. Enter the IP address.
    2. Click Save.
  8. Select the IP Preference: either IPv4 or IPv6.

    The server will preferentially use the selected format's IP address for communication.
    Note: If neither an IPv6 OAM IP nor a static IP address is set, IPv6 cannot be selected. If neither an IPv4 OAM IP nor a static IP address is set, IPv4 cannot be selected.

  9. Enter the HostName.
  10. Select Forced Standby.
  11. In the Path Configuration section, click Add New.

    The New Path dialog box appears.

    1. Enter the Static IP address and subnet Mask.
    2. Select the Interface from the list (for this example, the SIG-A network).
    3. Click Save.
  12. If the REP network is used, in the User Defined Network section, enter the VLAN ID for the REP network.
  13. Click Save (at the bottom of the page).

    A restart message appears.

  14. Click OK.

    Server-C restarts.
    Note: The status of Server-C is Out of Service and critical alarm 31283 is raised; this is expected.

  15. Click the Status of Server-C.

    The status changes to Spare.

  16. Click Save.

    The configuration is saved.

Site-2 and Server-C are defined, and Server-C is placed in Force Standby status.
Proceed to Step 5: Updating the Georedundant Cluster.