Step 5: Updating the Georedundant Cluster

Before you proceed, you must have completed Step 4: Setting Up the Secondary Site with Server-C

This procedure updates the MPE cluster settings, if needed, and verifies the server is functioning properly.

CAUTION: This procedure interrupts service.

To update the georedundant MPE cluster:

  1. From the Platform Setting section of the navigation pane, select Topology Settings.

    The Cluster Configuration page opens; the initial group is All Clusters.

  2. From the content tree, select All Clusters.

    The Cluster Configuration page opens.

  3. Click View for the MPE cluster you are expanding with Server-C.

    The Topology Configuration page for the selected MPE cluster opens.

  4. Click Modify Cluster Settings.

    The fields in the Cluster Settings section of the page become editable.

  5. In the Cluster Settings section of the page:
    1. If DSCP marking is used, select the type of DSCP Marking from the list.
    2. If replication streams are used, select the number of stream from the Replication Stream Count list.
    3. Select the network used for the Replication & Heartbeat (or None to use the system default).
    4. If used, select the network used for the Backup Heartbeat (or None to disable the feature).
  6. Click Save.

    The Cluster Settings are saved.

  7. Verify the Status of Server-C by viewing the cluster.

    Server-C is shown as part of the cluster in Force Standby with replication on.

  8. Use the Alarm History Report and filter in all alarms on the cluster name to verify that no new alarms have been raised.

    For more information, see Viewing the Alarm History Report.

    Alarm 31102 (DB Replication from a master DB failed) is in the report, but with severity of Clear.

  9. Using the Platform Configuration utility on Server-C, exchange SSH keys with the other servers of the cluster.

    Refer to Platform Configuration User's Guide for detailed information.

  10. Using the Platform Configuration utility on the CMP system, exchange SSH keys with all other CMP systems in the topology.
  11. Using the CMP system, modify the cluster configuration to cancel the Force Standby status of Server-C.

    The status of Server-C changes to Spare.

  12. Use the KPI Dashboard to verify that Server-C is reporting its status as part of the cluster.

    For more information, see KPI Dashboard.

  13. (Optional) Use the Policy Checkpoint function to create a policy checkpoint.

    Tip: If the function is not available, ensure that the system settings allow policy checkpoints. See Configuring System Settings.
    For more information on policy checkpoints, refer to Policy Wizard Reference.

  14. To configure the connections on Server-C to existing data sources, use the Data Sources tab.

    For more information, see Connecting to Data Sources.

Proceed to Step 6: Verifying Server-C Operation