Step 6: Verifying Server-C Operation

Before you proceed, you must have completed Step 5: Updating the Georedundant Cluster.

CAUTION: This procedure interrupts service.

To verify that Server-C is functioning properly within the cluster:

  1. From the Platform Setting section of the navigation pane, select Topology Settings.

    The Cluster Configuration page opens; the initial group is All Clusters.

  2. From the content tree, select All Clusters.

    The Cluster Configuration page opens.

  3. Click View for the MPE cluster you are expanding with Server-C.

    The Topology Configuration page for the selected MPE cluster opens.

  4. Click Modify Primary Site.
  5. In the Server-A section of the page, select Forced Standby.
  6. In the Server-B section of the page, select Forced Standby.
  7. Click Save (at the bottom of the page).

    The system displays a message indicating that the server will restart.

  8. Click OK.

    Server-A restarts and failover should result in Server-C becoming the active server.

  9. To verify that Server-C has become the active server, from the Upgrade section of the navigation pane, select Upgrade Manager.

    The Server Role for Server-C should be Active.

  10. To verify that Sh connections are active on Server-C:
    1. From the Policy Server section of the navigation pane, select Configuration.

      The Policy Server Administration page opens; the initial group is ALL.

    2. Select the Reports tab.

      The Cluster Information Report opens.

    3. From the Data Source Statistics section, click Sh Data Source Statistics.

      The Sh Data Source Statistics page opens and the Mode should appear as Active.

  11. To cancel the Forced Standby status on Server-A and Server-B:
    1. From the Platform Setting section of the navigation pane, select Topology Settings.
    2. From the content tree, select All Clusters.
    3. On the Cluster Configuration page, for the MPE cluster you are expanding with Server-C, click the View operation.
    4. Click Modify Server-A.

      The Server-A section becomes editable.

    5. Uncheck Forced Standby.
    6. Click Save.
    7. Repeat the process for Server-B.
    8. Click Save.

      The system displays a confirmation message.

    9. Click OK.

      Server A restarts.

    Server-A and Server-B return to service.

  12. To verify that Server-C has become the spare server, from the Upgrade section of the navigation pane, select Upgrade Manager.

    The Server Role for Server-C should be Spare.
    Note: Either Server-A or Server-B may assume the Active status. Oracle recommends not attempting to force Server-A back into the Active status, as doing so would interrupt service.

The two sites, and the georedundant MPE cluster, are defined; the normal function of all servers is verified.
If your topology includes MRA systems, add additional routes on the system to reach Server-C in the case of a cluster restart, and add the georedundant MPE cluster to an MPE pool. For more information, refer to Policy Front End Wireless User's Guide.