Creating an S-CMP Device

To create an S-CMP device:
Note: You must be in NW-CMP mode to configure and manage S-CMP devices. See About Mode Settings for more information.
  1. From the S-CMP section of the navigation pane, select Configuration.

    The content tree displays the S-CMPs group.

  2. Select the S-CMPs group.

    The S-CMP Administration page opens in the work area.

  3. Click Create S-CMP.

    The New S-CMP page opens.

  4. Enter information for the S-CMP:
    1. Name (required)—The name you assign to the S-CMP.

      The name can be up to 255 characters long and must not contain colons (:), quotation marks ("), or commas (,).

    2. Site One VIP (required)—The first Virtual IP Address (VIP) for the S-CMP.
    3. Site Two VIP—The second VIP for the S-CMP. If the S-CMP has is in a georedundant cluster, then both VIP sites (1 and 2) must be specified. These VIP addresses are populated in the NW-CMP and are used by the NW-CMP when querying or pushing data to the S-CMP.
    4. Secure Connection—Indicates that this S-CMP has https enabled, therefore, the NW-CMP connects to the S-CMP using a secure connection secure connection (https).
    5. Description—Free-form text that identifies the S-CMP device within the network.

      Enter up to 250 characters.

  5. Click Save.
The S-CMP device is displayed in the S-CMP Administration page.