Configuring Log Settings

To configure the log settings for the servers in a cluster:
  1. From the Policy Server section of the navigation pane, select Configuration.

    The content tree displays a list of server groups; the initial group is ALL.

  2. From the content tree, select the ALL group.

    The Policy Server Administration page opens in the work area.

  3. Select an MPE device from the list.

    The Policy Server Administration page opens in the work area and details the configuration settings of the selected device.

  4. Select the Logs tab.

    The Policy Server Administration page opens and details the logs configuration settings for the specified device.

  5. To edit the logs configuration settings, click Modify.

    The editable fields open in the work area.

  6. In the Modify Trace Log Settings section of the page, select the Trace Log Level from the list.

    This setting indicates the minimum severity of messages that are recorded in the trace log. These severity levels correspond to the syslog message severities from RFC 3164 The BSD syslog Protocol. Adjusting this setting allows new notifications, at or above the configured severity, to be recorded in the trace log. The levels are:

    • Emergency

      Provides the least amount of logging, recording only notification of events causing the system to be unusable.

    • Alert

      Action must be taken immediately in order to prevent an unusable system.

    • Critical

      Events causing service impact to operations.

    • Error

      Designates error events which may or may not be fatal to the application.

    • Warning (default)

      Designates potentially harmful situations.

    • Notice

      Provides messages that may be of significant interest that occur during normal operation.

    • Info

      Designates informational messages highlighting overall progress of the application.

    • Debug

      Designates information events of lower importance.

    CAUTION: Before changing the default logging level, consider the implications. Lowering the log level setting from its default value (for example, from Warning to Info) causes more notifications to be recorded in the log and can adversely affect performance. Similarly, raising the log level setting (for example, from Warning to Alert) causes fewer notifications to be recorded in the log and may cause you to miss important notifications.

  7. In the Modify Policy Log Settings section of the page, configure the Policy Log Level.

    This setting indicates the minimum severity of messages that are recorded in the policy log for all policies. The levels are:

    • OFF

      No messages are recorded.

    • DEBUG

      All messages are recorded.

    • INFO

      Only informational messages are recorded.

    • WARN (default)

      Only messages designating potentially harmful situations are recorded.

  8. In the Modify SMPP Log Settings section of the page, configure the following:
    1. SMPP Log Level—Indicates the severity of messages that are written to the file SMPP.log.

      Adjusting this setting allows any new events, at or above the configured severity, to be written to the SMPP log.
      Note: You can optionally enable the syslog forwarding address for new logs.
      Valid levels are:
      • OFF

        Turns off logging.

      • ERROR

        Designates error events which may or may not be fatal.

      • WARN (default)

        Designates potentially harmful situations.

      • INFO

        Designates informational messages highlighting overall progress.

      • DEBUG

        Designates information events of lower importance.

      • TRACE

        Designates informational events of very low importance.

      • ALL

        Records all logging levels.

    2. SMPP Log Forwarding IP Addresses — You can forward SMPP log entries to multiple syslog servers.
  9. In the Modify CMPP Log Settings section of the page configure the CMPP Log Level.

    This setting indicates the minimum severity of messages that are recorded in the CMPP log. Adjusting this setting allows new notifications, at or above the configured severity, to be recorded in the CMPP log. The levels are:

    • OFF

      Turns off logging.

    • ERROR

      Designates error events which may or may not be fatal.

    • WARN (default)

      Designates potentially harmful situations.

    • INFO

      Designates informational messages highlighting overall progress.

    • DEBUG

      Designates information events of lower importance.

    • TRACE

      Designates informational events of very low importance.

    • ALL

      Records all logging levels.

  10. In the Modify SMTP Log Settings section of the page, configure the SMTP Log Level.

    This setting indicates the minimum severity of messages that are recorded in the SMTP log. These severity levels correspond to the syslog message severities from RFC 3164 The BSD syslog Protocol. Adjusting this setting allows new notifications, at or above the configured severity, to be recorded in the SMTP log. The levels are:

    • OFF

      Turns off logging.

    • ERROR

      Designates error events which may or may not be fatal.

    • WARN (default)

      Designates potentially harmful situations.

    • INFO

      Designates informational messages highlighting overall progress.

    • DEBUG

      Designates information events of lower importance.

    • TRACE

      Designates informational events of very low importance.

    • ALL

      Records all logging levels.

  11. In the Modify HTTP Log Settings section of the page, configure the HTTP Log Level.

    This setting indicates the minimum severity of messages that are recorded in the HTTP log. Adjusting this setting allows new notifications, at or above the configured severity, to be recorded in the HTTP log. The levels are:

    • OFF

      Turns off logging.

    • ERROR

      Designates error events which may or may not be fatal.

    • WARN (default)

      Designates potentially harmful situations.

    • INFO

      Designates informational messages highlighting overall progress.

    • DEBUG

      Designates information events of lower importance.

    • TRACE

      Designates informational events of very low importance.

    • ALL

      Records all logging levels.

  12. Click Save.
The log settings are configured.