Viewing Policy Server Logs

The log files trace the activity of a Policy Management device. You can view and configure the logs for an individual cluster.

To view the log:

  1. From the Policy Server section of the navigation pane, select Configuration.

    The content tree displays a list of policy server groups.

  2. From the content tree, select the Policy Management device.

    The Policy Server Administration page opens in the work area.

  3. Select the Logs tab.

    Depending on your mode and release, you can configure the following logs:
    • Trace log — Records application-level notifications.
    • Trace Log Forwarding — Forwards cluster-level notifications.
    • Policy Log Settings — Records the policy-level messages.
    • Policy Syslog Forwarding — Records policy-processing activity. Supports the standard UNIX logging system, in conformance with RFC 3164.
    • SMS log — Contains all Short Messaging Service messages sent by the MPE device as well as any ACK messages received from an SMS Center (SMSC) server or its equivalent
    • SMPP log — Contains all Short Message Peer-to-Peer Protocol (SMPP) notifications sent by the MPE device as well as delivery receipts from a Short Message Service Center (SMSC) server.
    • SMTP log — Contains all Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) messages sent by the MPE device.
    • HTTP log — Contains all Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) messages sent by the MPE device.