Creating a Role

To create a role:

  1. From the System Administration section of the navigation pane, select User Management.

    The content tree displays the User Management group.

  2. From the content tree, select the Roles group.

    The Role Administration page opens in the work area.

  3. Click Create Role.

    By default, all access for privileges are set to either Hide (that is, the functions do not appear to users of the role, so access must be explicitly granted) or Read-Only (that is, information can be displayed but not changed).

    The New Role page opens.

  4. Enter the Name for the new role.

    The name can only contain the characters A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_).

  5. Enter a Description/Location (optional).

    Free-form text.

  6. Policy Server Privileges—Defines access to the following MPE device management functions (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write):

    • Configuration
    • Configuration Template
    • Applications
    • Match Lists
    • Quota Profiles & Conventions
    • Services & Rating Groups
    • Policy Counter ID
    • PRA Lists
    • Traffic Profiles
    • Roaming Profile
    • Protocol Timer Profile
    • Retry Profiles
    • Charging Servers
    • Time Periods
    • Monitoring Key
    • Serving Gateway/MCC-MNC Mapping
    • Custom AVP Definitions
    • AVP Definitions
    • Custom VSA Definitions
    • Customer Vendor
    • Notification Server
    • SMS Gateway
    • Global Configuration Settings
    • Bulk Operation

  7. Subscriber Privileges—Defines access to the subscriber functions (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write):

    • Entitlements
    • Tiers
    • Quota Usage

  8. SPR Privileges—Defines access to the SPR functions (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write):

    • Subscriber Data

  9. Network Privileges—Defines access to the network management functions (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write):

    • Network Elements
    • Topology (not supported)

  10. MRA Privileges—Defines access to the MRA Configuration functions:

    • Configuration (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)
    • Bulk Operations (with the access Hide or Show)
    • Configuration Template

  11. Policy Management Privileges—Defines access to the policy management functions:

    • Policy Library (with the access Hide, Read-Only, Read and Deploy, or Read, Deploy, and Write)
    • Template Library (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)
    • Policy Table Library (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)
    • Policy Checkpoint (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)

  12. System Wide Reports Privileges—Defines access to the system-wide reports functions:

    • System Wide Reports Configuration (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)

  13. Platform Setting Privileges—Defines access to the platform setting functions:

    • Platform Configuration Setting (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)
    • Topology Settings (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)
    • SNMP Settings (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)
    • Server Operation (with the access Hide or Read-Write)

  14. Upgrade Manager Privileges—Defines access to software upgrade functions:

    • ISO Maintenance (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)
    • Upgrade Manager (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)

  15. System Administration Privileges—Defines access to system administration functions:

    • Import / Export (with the access Hide or Show)
    • Operational Measurements (with the access Hide or Read-Only)
    • User Management (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)
    • Scheduled Tasks (with the access Hide or Read-Write)
    • Trace Log of CMP (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)
    • Subscriber Activity Log (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)
    • Audit Log (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)
    • Audit Log User Info (with the access Hide or Show)
    • Alarms (with the access Hide, Read-Only, or Read-Write)
    • Password Strength (with the access Read-Only or Read-Write)
    • Push Method for Statistics (with the access Read-Only or Read-Write)
      If set to Read-Only, the following fields are displayed for the Stats File Generator (see Managing Scheduled Tasks) setting:
      • Name
      • Description
      • Last Exit Status
      • Current State
      • Last Start Time
      • Last End Time
      • Follows Task
      Task Settings
      • Local Repository—Root directory of the local repository.
      • Maximum age to keep files (hours)—Stats file retention period. Default is 72 hours.
      • File Format—Either CSV or XML (default).
      • Stats Type—Any stats type can be selected to generate stats. If you do not select a stats type, the task will not run normally.
    • Debug Options (with the access Read-Only or Read-Write)
      Note: By default, the Read-Write privilege for this is only available for members of the Administrator role. Other roles have Read-Only access by default.
    New tasks are created to synchronize stats files. These tasks perform a retry if a remote server is unreachable. The following fields are displayed for the Stats Files Synchronization setting:
    • Remove Server Information
      • Host Name/IP Address
      • User Name
      • Password
      • Path of Remote Repository
    • Retry Limit—You have a limit of three retries in one-minute intervals.
    Note: There are a total of four synchronized tasks which are supported but cannot be edited.

  16. Click Save.
The role is created.