Creating a User Profile

To create a user profile:

  1. Log in to the CMP system as admin.
  2. From the System Administration section of the navigation pane, select User Management.

    The content tree displays the User Management group.

  3. In the content tree, select Users.

    The User Administration page opens in the work area.
    Note: The Log Out All Users button is visible only to the admin user.

  4. Click Create User.

    The New User page opens.

  5. Enter the Username.

    The name can only contain the characters A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_).
    Note: This value is not case sensitive.

  6. Enter a Description/Location (optional).

    Free-form text.

  7. Enter the Password.

    This value is case sensitive and must contain at least six characters; alphabetic, numeric, and special characters are allowed. This value must conform to the password strength rules. See Changing a Password for details on configuring password strength rules.

  8. Enter to Confirm Password the Password.
  9. Enter the number of days for the Password Expiration Period(days; 0=never).

    Enter a value from 7 to 365, or 0 to indicate that the password never expires. The default value is the system setting.
    Note: This setting overrides the system setting. For details on configuring password system settings, see Configuring System Settings.

  10. Select to Force to Change Password.

    If selected, this user must change passwords during the next log in. The default value is enabled.

  11. Select a Role from the list.
  12. Select one or more Scopes to assign to the user profile.
  13. Click Save.
The user profile is created.