Enabling SANE Authentication on the CMP System

By default, SANE Authentication is disabled in the CMP system. Enabling authentication requires admin privileges. The user admin is always authenticated against the local database account; thus, the admin user is best suited to setting up SANE authentication (see Creating a User Profile).

To enable SANE authentication:

  1. Log in to the CMP system as admin.
  2. From the System Administration section of the navigation pane, select User Management.

    The content tree displays the User Management group.

  3. From the content tree, select External Authentication.

    The External Authentication page opens, displaying the current configuration information. By default, external authentication is disabled.

  4. Click Modify.

    The External Authentication page becomes editable.

  5. In the Configuration section, select Enable SANE Authentication.

    Configuration and SANE Servers configuration fields appear.

  6. Enter the Artifact Parameter Name.

    The name of the artifact parameter. Enter an alphanumeric string. The default value is artifact.

  7. Select the Verification for Account setting from the list.

    Available options are:
    • On login only (default) — The CMP system authenticates the user once on login. The user is considered authenticated until logout.
    • On each request — The CMP system authenticates the user on login, and then for each HTTP or HTTPS request. If any request is not authenticated, the user is immediately logged out.

  8. Select the Action if Missing Credentials.

    The available options are:
    • Reject — If you select this option, a user login is rejected even if the authentication is successful.
    • Use following defaults — If you select this option, a user with missing credentials is allowed to log in, but the system assigns a default role and scope:
      • Default Role — Default role assigned to the user. The default role is Viewer.
      • Default Scope — Default scope assigned to the user. The default scope is Global.

  9. In the SANE Servers section, enter the SAML Service Name.

    The name of the Security Assertion Markup Language service registered with the UDDI server. Enter an alphanumeric string.

  10. Enter the UDDI Inquiry URL.

    The Universal Description, Discovery and Integration URL, in HTTP or HTTPS format, for the inquiry.

  11. Click Save.
SANE authentication is enabled.