Viewing the Trace Log

To view the Trace Log:

  1. From the System Administration section of the navigation pane, select Trace Log.

    The Trace Log page opens in the work area.

  2. Click View Trace Log.

    The Trace Log Viewer window opens. While data is being retrieved, the progress message indicating that the trace logs are being scanned appears.

    All events contain the following information:
    • Date/Time — Event timestamp. This time is relative to the server time.
    • Code — The event code. For information about event codes and messages, see the Troubleshooting Reference.
    • Severity — Severity level of the event. Application-level trace log entries are not logged at a higher level than error.
    • Message — The message associated with the event. If additional information is available, the event entry shows as a link. Click on the link to see additional detail in the frame below.

    By default, the window displays 25 events per page. You can change this to 50, 75, or 100 events per page by selecting a value from the Display results per page list.

    Events that occur after the Trace Log Viewer starts are not visible until you refresh the display. To refresh the display, click one of the following buttons:

    • Show Most Recent — Applies filter settings and refreshes the display. This displays the most recent log entries that fit the filtering criteria.
    • Next/Prev — When the number of trace log entries exceeds the page limit, pagination is applied. Use the Prev or Next buttons to navigate through the trace log entries. When the Next button is not visible, you have reached the most recent log entries; when the Prev button is not visible, you have reached the oldest log entries.
    • First/Last — When the number of trace log entries exceeds the page limit, pagination is applied. Use the First and Last buttons to navigate to the beginning or end of the trace log. When the Last button is not visible, you have reached the end; when the First button is not visible, you have reached the beginning.

  3. To view the trace log for a different server, select from the Trace Log Viewer for Server and click Search.

    The trace log for the selected server displays.

  4. To filter the log, see Filtering the Trace Log.
  5. Click Close.