Selecting an ISO for Upgrade

You must distribute an ISO file beforehand to all servers that will use it (see Adding an ISO File to a Server). When the distribution is complete, you must select the ISO file to use in an upgrade before beginning the process. If you have multiple ISO files available for an upgrade (for example, if you have a major release and an update release, or an update release and a patch), you can select which one to use. If you have multiple clusters to upgrade, you only have to select the ISO file for the CMP system.

To select an ISO:
  1. From the Upgrade section of the navigation pane, select Upgrade Manager.

    The Upgrade Manager page appears.

  2. Click on the name of the file listed as the current ISO (which may appear as Install Kit).

    The Select ISOs window opens, listing the available ISO files.

  3. (Optional) You can click on a column heading to sort the rows on that column. You can click Filter list to filter out rows based on the data in one or more columns. You can click the Columns list to select which columns are displayed (by default, all columns are displayed). You can resize columns.
  4. Select which ISO file to use and click the Select button at the bottom of the window.

    You are prompted: Loading this ISO will cause the upgrade manager to abandon the current upgrade and start a new one. Are you sure you want to continue loading this ISO?

  5. Click OK.

    The Select ISOs window closes, and the selected ISO file is listed as the current ISO.

The ISO is selected for upgrade. The data in the Up to date column changes from n/a to either Y (which means that the server is running up-to-date software) or N (which means that the server needs upgrading).