6 Distribution

Distribution is an EMC function that enables you to copy records between properties and revenue centers. It eliminates the need to create and configure a record multiple times. You can configure records once within the EMC and distribute the records throughout the enterprise to multiple properties and revenue centers. Distribution is ideal for enterprises that maintain uniform records across multiple properties. See Distribution Based on Source, Destination, and Selected Options for more information on how Simphony distributes records based on the source record, destination record, and the configured distribution options.

Remote Distribution

Remote distribution enables you to distribute data between two different Simphony systems. Remote distribution is database independent; therefore, you can distribute from a Microsoft SQL database into an Oracle Database. Remote distribution is specifically designed for the following two scenarios:
  • Moving data from the development system into the production system. This allows testing in development before moving to production.

  • Distributing a new revenue center into the production system. This reduces the total time required to set up the live system as the installer can perform much of the configuration on a different system in advance.

Remote Distribution Best Practices

When using remote distribution, the signed in employee can see all properties, revenue centers, and modules in the remote system. Therefore, Oracle Hospitality recommends that you:
  • Create an employee named Remote Distribution In.

  • Give this employee a single enterprise role and only the privilege to Remote Distribute In from another Simphony system. See Configuring Distribution Privileges for more information on Remote Distribute In.

With this configuration, the employee can only perform distribution.

The Importance of Object Numbers

When records are distributed from one location to another, the object number stays the same. Therefore, it is important to configure properties and revenue centers consistently. For example, if record #11 is Room Charge in one property, it must be Room Charge in all properties. Consider the following sample serving period configuration in revenue center 4:
  • Object Number: 1

  • Default Transaction Page: 41

When distributing this record to revenue center 8, it is created with the object number 1. There are two possibilities for its default transaction page:
  • If transaction page #41 exists in RVC 8, the serving period's default screen is set to 41.

  • If transaction page #41 does not exist in RVC 8, the default screen is set to 0. This is the standard functionality for all types of distributed records. If the referencing object number does not exist, the value is set to 0.