Configuring Distribution Privileges

  1. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Roles.
  2. Double-click the role type, click the Actions tab, and then select the appropriate privileges:

    Table 6-1 Distribution Privileges

    Privilege Name Allows the Employee to ...


    Use the EMC Distribute function.

    Remote Distribute Out

    Move data from one revenue center to another revenue center or from one property to another property between two different Simphony systems.

    Employees need login credentials with permissions on the receiving Simphony system to Remote Distribute In.

    Remote Distribute In

    Move data from one revenue center to another revenue center or from one property to another property between two different Simphony systems. Select this option to allow employees associated with this role to remote distribute from another Simphony system into this Simphony system.

    Employees need Remote Distribute Out permissions on the other system to distribute in.

  3. Click Save.