Adding Team Service Buttons

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Page Design.
  2. Open the Front of House page on which to place the Team Service buttons, and then on the Edit tab, select the page area in which to define the buttons.
  3. Click Button, and then on the General subtab, select Function from the Type drop-down list.
  4. Click the black arrow directly beneath the Type drop-down list, and then select Check Begin Pickup from the Type pane.
  5. Select Begin Team Check, and then click OK.

    The Begin Team Check key allows workstation operators to start a team check. If the workstation operator is a member of multiple teams, the workstation shows a list of teams.

  6. Enter a Legend for the button (for example, Begin Team Check), and then position and size the button on the page.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat Steps 3 through 7 and add buttons for the following functions:
    • Create Team Members or Add Team to Check: Creates, edits, or deletes a team; adds a team to a check; and prints a team list.

    • Edit Team: Shows team information and allows member editing.

    • Remove Team from Check: Removes the team from a check.