Configuring Menu Item Functionality on the Workstation

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Classes.
  2. Double-click a menu item class.
  3. To allow the main level of the transaction to change to another level when a workstation operator orders a menu item from this class, select a new Main Level Popup.
  4. To allow the sub level of the transaction to change to another level when a workstation operator orders a menu item from this class, select a new Sub Level Popup.
  5. To allow the transaction to return to the default main level after a workstation operator orders a menu item from this class, select Main Level Default.
  6. To allow the transaction to return to the default sub level after a workstation operator orders a menu item from this class, select Sub Level Default.
  7. Click the Options tab, and then select the appropriate options:

    Table 16-1 Menu Item Functionality Options at the Workstation

    Option Description

    10 - ON = Use Sub Level Pricing; OFF = Use Main Level Pricing

    Select this option for an item with multiple price definitions, to have the workstation use sub level pricing for the menu item class.

    26 - Keep Main Level With Repeat Rounds

    Select this option to have the items in the class use the same main menu level that was in effect during the most recent service round when ordered using the Repeat Round touchscreen button.

    27 - Keep Sub Level With Repeat Rounds

    Select this option to have the items in the class use the same sub menu level that was in effect during the most recent service round when ordered using the Repeat Round touchscreen button.

    28 - Print Main Level Prefix and Suffix

    Select this option to show the main menu level prefixes or suffixes on the check detail area and print on guest checks and customer receipts.

    29 - Print Sub Level Prefix and Suffix

    Select this option to show the sub menu level prefixes or suffixes on the check detail area and print on guest checks and customer receipts.

    69 - Prompt to lookup menu item definition based on current menu levels (Repeat Rounds)

    Select this option to prompt workstation operators to run a fresh menu item definition lookup based on the current active menu levels when a repeatable menu item is unavailable.

    You must also select options 26 - Keep Main Level With Repeat Rounds and 27 - Keep Sub Level With Repeat Rounds.

  8. Click Save.