Creating, Editing, and Deleting Menu Categories

You need to create menu categories before configuring products. Menu categories group and organize products at a high level for display and reporting purposes. For example, you can create menu categories for appetizers, soups, desserts, burgers, poultry, or fish.

  1. Log in and go to the Tools dashboard.
  2. Select Menu Categories in the left pane.
  3. To create a menu category:
    1. Click Create Category.
    2. Enter information in the fields:
      • Display Title: Enter the name of the category.

      • (Optional) Marketing Description and Alternative Description: Enter descriptions for the menu category.

      • (Optional) Type: Select Default for all charges or Surcharges for delivery charges.

      • (Optional) Saleable: Select this option if the menu category is available for sale. Deselect to associate it as non-saleable.

      • (Optional) Displayed: Select this option to enable the menu category to appear on the UI.

      • (Optional) Display order: Enter a numeric value to list the category. When organized on a menu, category 1 is listed first and 100 is last.

      • (Optional) Parent: Select the individual category within the menu. For example, all entrée products can belong under the parent category Main Entrées.

    3. Click the Save button.
  4. To edit or remove menu categories:
    1. In the Search Category section, enter the Category Name, and then click the Search button.
    2. To edit a menu category, click the Edit link adjacent to the menu category, change information in the fields described in Step 3-b, and then click the Save button.
    3. To change the Display Title name to appear in another language, click the Translate link, and then select the language.
    4. To assign products to this menu category, click the Products tab, click the Assign Products button, and then select the products.
    5. To add a marketing image to the menu category, click the Images tab, and then upload a new image.
    6. To assign custom key values, click the Other Info tab, enter the Field Name and the Default Value, and then click the Add New Field button.

      For example, a pizzeria might use key values to add starting prices to pizzas, where additional toppings change the price of the pizza. The Field Name might be Show Price, and the Default Value might be False (so that prices do not display on items in this menu category).

    7. To see where the menu category fits within the hierarchy (for example, parent or sub category), click the Hierarchy tab, and then click the Hierarchy button.

      The menu category must be active to see it in the hierarchy.

    8. To delete a menu category, click the Delete link adjacent to the menu category.