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ExtensibilityDataInfo Class

Extensibility Detail on the check
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Micros.PosCore.Extensibility.Ops
Assembly:  PosCore (in PosCore.dll) Version: 18.2
public class ExtensibilityDataInfo

The ExtensibilityDataInfo type exposes the following members.

Public methodExtensibilityDataInfo(DbExtensibilityDataDetail)
Initializes a new instance of the ExtensibilityDataInfo class
Public methodExtensibilityDataInfo(String, String, Byte)
Initializes a new instance of the ExtensibilityDataInfo class
Public methodExtensibilityDataInfo(String, String, String)
Initializes a new instance of the ExtensibilityDataInfo class
Public propertyExtensibilityAppName
Public propertyPostToMyMicros
Get and Set value indicating if extensibility data post to MyMicros.
Public propertyReprocess
Public methodSetPrintOnAllOrderDevices
SetPrintOnAllOrderDevices() Set the internal print flags so that this record will print on all remote order devices.
Public methodSetPrintOnCustomerReceiptOnly
SetPrintOnAllOrderDevices() Set the internal print flags so that this record will print on the customer receipt but nowhere else.
Public methodSetPrintOnDisplayGuestCheckAndCustReceiptOnly
SetPrintOnAllOrderDevices() Set the internal print flags so that this record will show on the workstation display and print on the guest check and customer receipt but nowhere else.
Public methodSetPrintOnDisplayOnly
SetPrintOnAllOrderDevices() Set the internal print flags so that this record will show on the workstation display but nowhere else.
Public methodSetPrintOnGuestCheckAndCustReceiptOnly
SetPrintOnAllOrderDevices() Set the internal print flags so that this record will print on the guest check and customer receipt but nowhere else.
Public methodSetPrintOnGuestCheckOnly
SetPrintOnAllOrderDevices() Set the internal print flags so that this record will print on the guest check but nowhere else.
Public methodSetPrintOnOrderDevice
SetPrintOnAllOrderDevices() Update the internal print flags so that this record will also print on the specified order device.
Public methodSetPrintToOrderDevicesInInverse
SetPrintOnAllOrderDevices() Update the internal print flags so that this record will print in reverse
Public fieldBinaryData
Public fieldEncrypt
Public fieldExtensibilityDataName
Public fieldExtensibilityDataType
Public fieldName
Public fieldPrintOptionBits
A valid string needs to be assigned to the PrintOptionBits field in the form “01011” (print on Display, Receipt, and Guest Check) or “00000” (do not print at all). If the PrintOptionBits field is null printing of ExtensibilityDataInfo will take place on all printer devices assigned to the workstation, including any order-devices. More granular access to ExtensibilityDataInfo printing is offered via the SetPrint… methods of the ExtensibilityDataInfo class.
Public fieldStringData
See Also