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OpsExtensibilityApplication Properties

The OpsExtensibilityApplication type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplicationName
The name of this application as it was configured by the user.
Public propertyDataStore
Accessor to extensibility datastore.
Public propertyEventCache
Public propertyGlobalApplicationCache
Public propertyLogger
Extensibility logger.
Public propertyObjectPropertyBag
Property bag to map strings to objects. Useful for XAML binding or exchanging data between extensibility applications.
Public propertyOpsContext
Accessor for OpsContext
Public propertyOpsExtensibilityEnvironment
Ops Extensibility Environment
Public propertyRemoteLogger
Extensibility remote logger.
Public propertyStringPropertyBag
Property bag to map strings to strings. Useful for XAML binding or exchanging data between extensibility applications.
See Also