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OpsEntryRequest Properties

The OpsEntryRequest type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowBarcode
Allow data to be entered via Barcode Scanner.
Public propertyAllowFingerPrintReader
Allow data to be entered via a Finger Print Reader.
Public propertyAllowMagCard
Allow data to be entered via a mag-card swipe.
Public propertyAllowManualEntry
Allow data to be manualy entered
Public propertyAllowMicrosEmployeeCard
Allow data to be entered via a Micros employee mag-card swipe.
Public propertyDecimalSeparator
Public propertyEntryArea
Data entered via buttons, keyboard or other input device.
Public propertyEntryType
Indicates the type of data requested. Note that this does not automatically mean that a keyboard will be displayed, it just defines the type of data we are looking for.
Public propertyFingerPrintData
FingerPrint data entered via Reader.
Public propertyIsPassword
True if the data entry is a password and should be masked.
Public propertyMagStripeData
Mag card data entered via swipe.
Public propertyMaxEntryArea
Max characters in keyboard buffer. (0 means unlimited)
Public propertyMaxLength
Public propertyPrompt
Prompt translated text.
Public propertyResult
Data entered.
Public propertyScannerData
Barcode data entered via scanner.
Public propertySuccess
True if data entry was successful.
Public propertyTitle
Title translated text.
See Also