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OpsTeamMemberRequest Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Micros.Ops
Assembly:  Ops (in Ops.dll) Version: 18.2
public class OpsTeamMemberRequest : OpsCustomRequest

The OpsTeamMemberRequest type exposes the following members.

Protected property_AddedEmployeesLabel
Protected property_SaveWithNoEmployeesPromptID
Public propertyAdd
Public propertyAddAll
Public propertyAllowAll
Public propertyCancel
Public propertyCheckTeamEmployee
Public propertyClear
Public propertyDisplayedLabel
Public propertyEdit
Public propertyEmployeeDataGridList
Public propertyEmployeeList
List of employees to be displayed.
Public propertyEmployeeNumberHeader
Translated employee number column header.
Public propertyEmployeeTeamMemberDataGridList
Public propertyEmployeeTeamMemberList
Public propertyFilter
Public propertyFirstNameHeader
Translated first name column header.
Public propertyLastNameHeader
Translated last name column header.
Public propertyReceptacleDetail
Public propertyRemove
Public propertyRemoveAll
Public propertyRevCtrHeader
Translated revenue center column header.
Public propertySave
Public propertySelectedControls
Public propertySelectedEmployee
The currently selected employee in the list.
Public propertySelectedEmployeeToRemove
The currently selected team member in the list.
Public propertyShowAddAllButton
Display add all button, default is false or hidden.
Public propertyShowAllowAllButton
Display allow all button, default is false or hidden.
Public propertyShowFingerPrintRead
Display back button (there are more employees).
Public propertyShowNextButton
Display next button (there are more employees).
Public propertyShowPrevButton
Display back button (there are more employees).
Public propertyShowRemoveAllButton
Display remove all button, default is false or hidden.
Public propertyTeamNameLabel
Public propertyTotalEmployeesLabel
Protected field_Add
Protected field_AddAll
Protected field_AllowAll
Protected field_Cancel
Protected field_Clear
Protected field_DisplayedLabel
Protected field_Edit
Protected field_EmployeeList
Protected field_EmployeeNumberHeader
Protected field_EmployeeTeamMemberList
Protected field_Filter
Protected field_FirstNameHeader
Protected field_LastNameHeader
Protected field_Remove
Protected field_RemoveAll
Protected field_RevCtrHeader
Protected field_Save
Protected field_TeamNameLabel
Protected field_TotalEmployeesLabel
Protected field_TranslatedText
Public fieldDialogResult
Is false if user cancelled the dialog.
Public fieldNextPage
Inicates the dialog was closed as a result of a DialogNext command.
Public fieldPrevPage
Inicates the dialog was closed as a result of a DialogPrev command.
See Also