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CheckSummaryData Properties

The CheckSummaryData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActualDeliveryDateTimeLocal
Actual delivery date and time
Public propertyActualPickupDateTimeLocal
Actual pickup date and time
Public propertyAmountDue
Public propertyAmountDueUnmodified
Public propertyAutofireDateTime
The local date time that the check will be auto fired if autofire check, null otherwise
Public propertyChange
Total change given/due.
Public propertyCheckAgeSeconds
The number of seconds since this check was begun.
Public propertyCheckAutoServiceCharge
Check auto
Public propertyCheckCloseTime
The local time that the check was closed.
Public propertyCheckDiscount
Check discount.
Public propertyCheckEmployeeCheckName
The employee check name.
Public propertyCheckGuestCountIdentification
Guest count identification. The format is "GST # if count not 0, blank otherwise.
Public propertyCheckName
The name of this check if this check has a check name.
Public propertyCheckNumber
Public propertyCheckOpenTime
Public propertyCheckOpenTimeUTC
The time that this check was begun.
Public propertyCheckOther
Check other
Public propertyCheckPayment
The total payment for this check.
Public propertyCheckSalesTotal
Check SalesTotal.
Public propertyCheckServiceTotalled
The check has been service totalled.
Public propertyCheckStatus
Returns the current status of the check, 0 = Available for pickup 1 = Available for pickup, but owner is not a peer workstation (i.e. checks owned by CAPS such as TMS checks or PosApi checks). 2 = Open on other workstation 3 = Owner is offline
Public propertyCheckSubtotal
Public propertyCheckTax
Check tax.
Public propertyCheckTime
The local time that the check was closed (for closed checks) or the local time the check was started (for open checks).
Public propertyCheckTotal
The total amount due for this check.
Public propertyCovers
Public propertyCSDCultureInfo
current Check Summary data culture info
Public propertyCustomerDetails
Customer information - currently used by DTO (Delivery Takeout Order)
Public propertyDeliveryEmployeeID
Delivery employee id
Public propertyDeliveryEmployeeName
Delivery Employee name
Public propertyDeliveryQuoteTime
Delivery quote time in minutes
Public propertyDeliveryQuoteType
Delivery quote type
Public propertyEmployeeId
Public propertyEmployeeName
The name of the employee that picked up or began the check.
Public propertyEmployeeNumber
The number of the employee that picked up or began the check.
Public propertyFirstPrintTime
The local time that the check was closed.
Public propertyGroupNumber
The group number if this check is assigned to a table and there are multiple groups at the table.
Public propertyGuid
The unique identifier of this Check Summary.
Public propertyHoldIndicator
Hold Check indicator
Public propertyIntendedPaymentMethod
Intended payment method
Public propertyIsAutofireCheck
Check is an autofire check or not
Public propertyIsClosedCheckVoid
Check is a Closed Check Void.
Public propertyIsCurbsideCheck
Check is a Curbside check i.e. part of DTO workflow
Public propertyIsDeliveryCheck
Check is a Delivery check i.e. part of DTO workflow
Public propertyIsMenuItemOnHold
Guest Check has held Menu Item
Public propertyIsOpenCheck
Check is open or closed.
Public propertyIsOpenOnOtherSystem
Check is open on another workstation.
Public propertyIsTakeoutCheck
Check is a Takeout check i.e. part of DTO workflow
Public propertyIsTrainingCheck
check is a training check or Not
Public propertyLangID
The current language being used.
Public propertyOrderConfirmedDateTimeLocal
Order confirmation date and time
Public propertyOrderMethod
The order method of this Check Summary.
Public propertyOrderMethodObjNum
Public propertyOrderStatusID
Delivery/Takeout order status id
Public propertyOrderType
The order type of this Check Summary.
Public propertyOrderTypeId
Public propertyOrderTypeName
Public propertyOrderTypeNumber
The order type number of this Check Summary.
Public propertyOwnerWorkstationDisplay
This is used to display the owner workstation's ID in the default check SLU and will always be an empty string unless "DisplayOwnerIdInSLU" is set in the web.config file. This is primarily intended for testing check sharing.
Public propertyOwnerWorkstationId
Database Id of the workstation that owns the check.
Public propertyOwnerWorkstationNum
Number of the workstation that owns the check.
Public propertyPickupPersonArrivalDateTimeLocal
Pickup person (customer or courier) arrival date and time
Public propertyPickupQuoteTime
Preparation quote time in minutes
Public propertyPickupQuoteType
Preparation quote type
Public propertyPrimaryCheckIdentification
Check name if not blank, tabletext/group if not blank, otherwise check number
Public propertyQuotedDeliveryDateTimeLocal
Quoted delivery date and time
Public propertyQuotedPickupDateTimeLocal
Quoted pickup date and time
Public propertyRequestedDeliveryDateTimeLocal
Requested delivery date and time
Public propertyRequestedPickupDateTimeLocal
Requested pickup date and time
Public propertyRevCtrId
The ID of the Revenue Center where this check is located
Public propertySecondaryCheckIdentification
Tabletext/group if check name not blank, otherwise check number
Public propertyServiceTotalTime
Public propertyServiceTotalTimeDateTimeLocal
Public propertySortedDetail
The sorted detail belonging to this check
Public propertyTableName
The table name if this check is assigned to a table.
Public propertyTableNumber
The table number if this check is assigned to a table.
Public propertyTableText
The table name if non-blank, otherwise the table number.
Public propertyTableTextAndGroup
The table name/group if non-blank, otherwise the table number. if table is 0 then blank is returned.
Public propertyTeamCheck
Public propertyTenderTotal
Total amount tendered.
Public propertyTertiaryCheckIdentification
Check number if check name and table not blank.
Public propertyTransferToEmployeeId
The transfer to employee id if this check has been marked to be transfered to another employee (other than the owner of the check).
See Also