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OpsEmployeeRequest Fields

The OpsEmployeeRequest type exposes the following members.

Protected field_Clear
Protected field_DisplayedLabel
Protected field_Done
Protected field_Edit
Protected field_EmployeeList
Protected field_EmployeeNumberHeader
Protected field_Filter
Protected field_FirstNameHeader
Protected field_LastNameHeader
Protected field_RevCtrCombo
Protected field_RevCtrHeader
Protected field_ShowAllAssignedRVC
Protected field_SignedInEmployeesLabel
Protected field_TotalEmployeesLabel
Protected field_TranslatedText
Public fieldDialogResult
Is false if user cancelled the dialog.
Public fieldNextPage
Inicates the dialog was closed as a result of a DialogNext command.
Public fieldPrevPage
Inicates the dialog was closed as a result of a DialogPrev command.
See Also