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OpsChangeDueRequest Properties

The OpsChangeDueRequest type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllPaymentTotal
total of all Payments Tendered : Previous + amount tendered
Public propertyAmountTendered
Amount tendered.
Public propertyAmountTenderedWithCurrency
Tendered amount with currency symbol.
Public propertyCashDrawerNumber
Cash drawer to be closed after change given.
Public propertyChangeDispensedInBills
Change to dispense in Bills.
Public propertyChangeDue
Change due amount.
Public propertyChangeDueWithCurrency
Change due amount with currency symbol.
Public propertyCheckTotal
Change due amount.
Public propertyPaymentAmount
Public propertyPaymentAmountWithCurrency
PaymentAmount with currency symbol.
Public propertyPreviousPaymentTotal
Previous payments + this payment - change for this paymentChange due amount.
Public propertyPrompt1
Prompt 1 (Total Due) text.
Public propertyPrompt2
Prompt 2 (Tendered Amount) text.
Public propertyPrompt3
Prompt 3 (Change Due) translatable string.
Public propertyPrompt4
Prompt 4 (Close Cash Drawer) translatable string.
Public propertyPrompt5
Prompt 5 (Change to dispense in Bills) translatable string.
Public propertyPrompt6
Prompt 6 (Rounding) translatable string.
Public propertyPrompt7
Prompt 7 (Payment) translatable string.
Public propertyRoundingTotal
Public propertyRoundingTotalWithCurrency
RoundingTotal with currency symbol.
Public propertyShowChangeToDispenseInBills
Public propertyShowRoundingTotal
Show RoundingTotal.
Public propertyTitle
Dialog title text.
Public propertyTotalDue
Total due amount.
Public propertyTotalDueWithCurrency
Total due amount with currency symbol.
See Also