7 Using the IaaS Self Service Portal

This chapter provides instructions on using the Self Service Portal for IaaS. It contains the following sections:


Click here to view a visual demonstration on how to allow users to create new deployment requests through the Cloud Self Service Portal, manage requested deployments, track metering and chargeback information, and author and enforce Cloud policies using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c.

7.1 Using the Self Service Portal to Request Server Resources

The Self Service Portal for IaaS provides a dashboard for business users and cloud consumers to request resources. It allows SSA users to request and manage resources, view the metering and usage of these resources, and define policies to manage the workload and deployment automatically. The SSA Portal allows users to:

  • Create new deployment requests

  • Manage requested deployments

  • Track metering and chargeback information

  • Author and enforce cloud policies.

To use the Self Service Portal, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as a user with the EM_SSA_USER role. The All Cloud Services page appears. Click on the Infrastructure - Oracle VM Cloud Services link.
  2. The Infrastructure - Oracle VM Cloud Services Home page appears. Click on the video link next to the Page Refreshed section to view a demo on using the self service portal. The following details are displayed:
    • Notifications: Lists notifications related to machine expiry and new assemblies.

    • Your Usage: Lists the total quota allowances available for server and storage requests and quota that has been used.

    • 10 Last Requested Servers: Lists the top 10 machines that you own in descending order of creation date. Click a Server Name to view the server details. See Server Details Page for more information.

    • 10 Latest Requests: This section lists the top 10 requests which are sorted as follows:

      • Descending order of the End Date.

      • Descending order of the Creation Date.

      Click a Request Name to view the request details.

    Figure 7-1 Self Service Portal

    Self Service Portal
  3. Click Request Servers. The New Server Request wizard appears. See Requesting Servers for details.

7.2 Requesting Servers

Follow this process if you need to request or reserve servers for a specific duration:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Cloud, then select Self Service Portal.
  2. On the Cloud Self Service Portal page, click Request Servers to create a new request for a virtual machine.
  3. In the General page, enter a name for the request and select a zone in which the server is to be created.

    Figure 7-2 New Server Request: General

    New Server Request: General
  4. Click the Search icon in the Source field. Select an assembly or template to be used for this request and enter the server name. For details on how to create an assembly component, see Creating an Assembly Component. For details on how to create a template component, see Creating a Template Component.


    • The source file that you select must be in the .ova format (for assemblies), and .tgz format (for templates).

    • You can see only the assemblies and templates for which you have access (granted by the user with the EM_SSA_ADMINISTRATOR role),

  5. You can optionally select a Deployment Plan to pre-fill values in the deployment flow from an existing saved or imported deployment plan.
  6. Click Next. Depending on your selection, the configuration properties defined for the assembly or template are displayed. Click on a tier that you wish to configure.
  7. Click on the Server Configuration tab. The following regions can be configured:
    • General

      • Enable High Availability: If you want to enable high availability for this server, select this check box.

      • Root Password: The root password to access the server.

      • Keymap: Select a key board type for the server.

      • Tags: You can specify tags that can be used to identify the servers. You can use these tags to search for servers in the My Servers page.

    • Network: The network interfaces for the server. Click Add to add a network interface card. In the Add a Network Interface Card, specify the name of the NIC card and click OK.


      You can use the Edit option to modify the IP Assignment of the NIC. This option can be performed only if:

      • The NIC is a part of the assembly definition.

      • The NIC does not have any assembly networks associated with it. For NICs associated with assembly networks, the IP Assignment can be changed only if the NICs have been assigned with a backend network.

      To modify the QoS and Backend Network, click the Configure Networks in the top right hand corner of the page.

      Note: If Network Restriction has been enabled by the self service administrator, the backend network cannot be edited.

      On this page, you can configure the Network QoS and Backend Network to be associated with Assembly Network. All the NICs will be configured based on the Network QoS and Backend Network that have been assigned. Click OK to return to the previous page.

    • Server Size: If the server size is large, medium, or small, you can modify the maximum memory and maximum number of CPUs that can be allocated to the server. If the server size is custom, you can specify the memory that can be allocated and the number of CPU cores to be assigned to the server.

    • Storage: The storage disks assigned to the server. This can be system defined or custom.

  8. Click on the Product Configuration tab. This tab shows the properties of the products in the tier. You can choose to view All Properties or Required Properties. For each property, the default value and the current value is displayed. Select a property to modify the value if applicable.
  9. If a tier has more than one server, you can configure each server separately. Click the Configure Individual Servers link on the top right corner of the lower region. The Deployment Configuration: Configure Individual Servers page appears. You can modify the configuration of the individual server and click Continue to return to the New Server Request: Deployment Configuration page.
  10. Specify the schedule for the request and click Next.


    The schedule for the new server request is dependent on the schedule defined by the EM_SSA_ADMIN in the Self Service Portal Setup pages. See Setting Up the Self Service Portal

  11. In the Review page, you can click Finish to submit the request or Save as Deployment Plan. If you select the Save as Deployment Plan option, the request will be saved as a Deployment Plan that can be used to record inputs that can be used to create new request.

7.3 Viewing Requests

The Requests tab lists all the requests made by the SSA user.

Figure 7-3 Requests

SSA - My Requests

The name of the request, status, start and end date, type of request, number of servers, total CPU, and memory appears. Click a Name to drill down to the Request Details page which shows complete details about the request.

You can:

  • Edit a Request: You can edit the following types of requests:

    • Scheduled: Select a request that is Scheduled and click Edit to modify the request configuration details. The Request Server wizard appears and you can modify the request server configuration as required. See Requesting Servers for details.

    • Executed: Select a request that has been executed successfully and click Edit. In the window that appears, specify a new End Date for the request and click Edit to edit the request.

  • Delete a Request: Select a request that has been scheduled or executed to click Delete to delete the request.

7.4 Viewing Servers

Click the Servers tab to view a list of servers grouped according to the zone. On this page, the self service user can view the specific assembly and template deployments, the tiers, and the servers in each tier. You will see a list of servers that you have requested and can perform a search based on either the name of the server or the tag.

Figure 7-4 My Servers

SSA - My Servers

You can drill down to the Assembly or Tier Instance Home page or click a server name to drill down to the Server Details page. From this page, you can perform the following actions:

  • Request Servers: You can request or reserve servers for a specific duration. See Requesting Servers for details.

  • Assemblies: You can start, stop, delete an assembly instance, and add tiers. Select an assembly instance from the list and from the Actions menu, select an appropriate option. See Performing Assembly Operations.

  • Tiers: You can start, stop, scale up, and scale down a tier instance. Select a tier instance from the list and from the Actions menu, select an appropriate option. See Tier Operations.

  • Servers: You can modify the configuration of the server, stop, start or restart a server, clone a server, save as template, suspend, resume, and launch a VNC Console. See Server Operations.

7.4.1 Zone Details Page

The Zone Details page displays the details of all assemblies, tiers, and servers in the SSA Zone.

Figure 7-5 Zone Details Page

Zone Details Page

From this page, depending on the entity you select, the following options are available:

You can click a tier instance, assembly instance, or a server link to drill down to the Details page.

7.4.2 Performing Assembly Operations

You can perform the following operations on an assembly instance:

  • Start: Select an assembly instance and select Start from the Actions menu. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Start to submit the Start Assembly Instance job. You can start an assembly instance only if it has been stopped.

  • Stop: Select an assembly instance and select Stop from the Actions menu. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Stop to submit the Stop Assembly Instance job. You can stop an assembly instance only if it has been started.

  • Delete: Select an assembly instance and select Delete from the Actions menu. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Delete to submit the Delete Assembly Instance job.

  • Add Tier: Select an assembly instance and select Add Tier from the Actions menu. Assembly Details Page

This page displays the details of the SSA Assembly Instance.

Figure 7-6 Assembly Details Page

Assembly Details Page

It contains the following sections:

  • General: This section displays the name of the assembly, the zone to which it belongs, the total number of servers or guest VMs deployed by the assembly, and the date on which the assembly was created.

  • Members: A hierarchical view of the members in the assembly is displayed here. Click on a link to drill down to the member Home page.

  • Request: This section lists all the requests corresponding to the assembly and its members. Click on a request link to drill down to the Request Details page.

You can perform operations such as Start, Stop, Delete, and Add Tiers on the assembly instance. Select the required option from the Assembly menu and click OK in the confirmation page to perform the selected operation.

7.4.3 Tier Operations

You can perform the following operations on an assembly tier instance:

  • Start: Select a tier instance and select Start from the Actions menu. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Start to submit the Start Tier Instance job. You can start a tier instance only if it has been stopped.

  • Stop: Select a tier instance and select Stop from the Actions menu. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Stop to submit the Stop Tier Instance job. You can stop an tier instance only if it has been started.

  • Scale Up: You can scale up or add more servers to a tier instance. See Scaling Up a Tier Instance.

  • Scale Down: You can scale down or stop servers that are part of a tier. See Scaling Down a Tier Instance. Scaling Up a Tier Instance

A scalable tier allows creation of multiple servers and has a minimum and maximum limit. The scalability of the tier depends on how it is defined in the Assembly. See Provisioning Guest Virtual Machines Using Oracle Virtual Assemblies (OVA) for details. To scale up a tier instance, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager as an user with the EM_SSA_USER role.
  2. Click the My Servers tab, expand an assembly and click on a tier of the assembly.
  3. In the Tier Instance Home page, click the Scale Up option from the Tier menu.
  4. The Scale Up: General page appears. The name of the request, the assembly, zone, and number of instances appears. Click Next to continue.
  5. In the Server Selection page, select the servers for the scale up operation. As a part of the Scale Up operation, either the existing shutdown servers of the tier are brought up and/or new servers are created to the Max Instance Number Limit if required.

    If the Max Instance Number Limit of the tier is 4 and only 1 server has been created during the assembly deployment, the tier can be scaled up by 3 new servers. Click Next to continue.

  6. If new servers are to be provisioned, you can modify their configuration in the Server Configuration page. The values are pre-filled with the values that specified during the deployment of the assembly. Modify the details if required and click Next to continue.


    • If the tier is auto scalable, the Server Configuration page cannot be modified.

    • If Network Restriction has been enabled (see Setting Up Networks), the backend network cannot be modified.

  7. Specify the schedule for this operation and click Next.
  8. Review the details and click Finish to scale up the tier. Scaling Down a Tier Instance

You can scale down the servers belonging to a tier. To scale down a tier, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager as an user with the EM_SSA_USER role.
  2. Click the My Servers tab, expand an assembly and click on a tier of the assembly.
  3. In the Tier Instance Home page, click the Scale Down option from the Tier menu.
  4. In the Scale Down page, select the servers to be included in the Scale Down operation and click OK. The selected servers will be stopped and scaled down. Tier Details Page

This page displays the details of the SSA Tier Instance. It contains the following sections:

  • General: This section displays the name of the tier, the zone to which it belongs, the total number of servers or guest VMs deployed, and the date on which the tier was created.

  • Members: A hierarchical view of the members in the tier is displayed here. Click on a link to drill down to the member Home page.

  • Request: This section lists all the requests corresponding to the tier and its members. Click on a request link to drill down to the Request Details page.

You can perform operations such as Start, Stop, Scale Up, and Scale Down on the tier instance. Select the required option from the Tier menu and click OK in the confirmation page to perform the selected operation.

7.4.4 Performing Server Operations

You can perform the following operations for a server:

  • Modify Configuration: Select the server to be modified and select Modify Configuration from the Actions menu. Note that the server must be in a Stopped status if the configuration is to be modified.

  • Clone: Select the server to be cloned and select Clone from the Actions menu. See

  • Delete: You can delete a server that is Down or Suspended. Select the server to be deleted and select Delete from the Actions menu. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Delete to submit the Delete Server Job.

  • Save as Template: You can save a server that is Down or Suspended as a template for future use. Select the server and select Save as Template from the Actions menu. The Save as Template page appears. You can specify the following details:

    • Template Name: Enter a unique name for the template

    • Request Name: Enter a name for the Save as Template request.

    • Keymap: Select a keyboard type for the server.

    • Configuration: In this region, you can specify the default and maximum memory and number of CPUs.

    Click OK to save as template.

  • Start: Select a server that is Stopped and select Start from the Actions menu. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Start to submit the Start Server job to start the server.

  • Stop: Select a server that is up and running and select Stop from the Actions menu. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Stop to submit the Stop Server job to stop the server.

  • Restart: A server that is up and running can be restarted.

  • Suspend: Select a server that is up and running and select Suspend from the Actions menu. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Suspend to submit the Suspend Server job.

  • Resume: Select a server that is Suspended and select Resume from the Actions menu. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Resume to submit the Resume Server job to start the server.

  • Launch VNC Console: Select this option from the Actions menu to launch a VNC Console. This option is available only if the server is up and running. Modifying the Server Configuration

Select the server that is to be modified and select Modify Configuration from the Actions menu. The Modify Configuration page appears.You can modify the details such as Server Size, Keymap, Tags, Network, and Storage. Click OK to save the configuration.


If the server is up and running, you cannot modify the Maximum Memory, Maximum Number of CPUs, Network, and Storage. To modify these parameters, you must stop the server and then select the Modify Configuration option. Cloning the Server

You can clone a server to create one or more servers. Select a server and select Clone from the Actions menu. The Clone Server Request: General page appears. Enter the name for the clone request. The name of the source server cloned and the zone in which the cloned server will appear is displayed. Click Next to continue to the Clone Server Request: Deployment Configuration page. In this page, you can specify the number of servers to be cloned and the resource configuration parameters. These parameters will be applicable to all the servers being cloned. Specify the schedule, review the details, and click Finish to submit the Clone Server operation. Server Details Page

The Server Details page displays detailed information about the server. From this page, you can modify configuration, clone, stop, restart, suspend, resume, and launch VNC console.

This page contains the following sections:

Figure 7-7 Server Details Page

Server Details Page
  • General: Displays information like status of server, the associated zone, date from which it is available, and the expiry date.

  • Configuration: Displays configuration details of the server such as number of CPUs, memory, storage, operating system, and other software installed on the server.

  • Availability: Shows the availability status of the server over the last 24 hours.

  • Charts: You can see the Availability chart that displays the status of the server for past 24 hours, and the CPU, Memory, and Storage Utilization charts.

  • Chargeback Details: This section displays all the charge back break-up data for the server. The charge incurred will be calculated from the server requested date to the current date.

7.5 Viewing Storage

Click the Storage tab to view all the storage elements grouped by the Guest VMs with which they are associated. The Storage tab lists all the Servers owned by the EM_SSA_USER along with all the storage resources in tree format. The top level nodes represent the servers owned by the user and the sub nodes represent the storage disks that belong to the server. You can do the following:

  • Request Storage: This action allows the user to add a shared or non-shared storage disk to a server. Select one or more servers and click Request Storage. Enter the Disk Name, Size, and Mode. Select the Shared Disk check box to add a shared disk. If you create a non-shared storage disk, it is available only for the server on which it is created. A shared storage disk can be assigned to other servers. If you select multiple servers, you can create only non-shared storage disks.

  • Assign Storage: This action allows the user to assign shared storage disk to any other server owned by the EM_SSA_USER. Select a server and click Assign Storage. The list of available shared storage disks are displayed. Select a disk from the list and click OK to assign the shared storage disk to the server.

  • Release Storage: Select a server and click Release Storage. This action allows the user to release an existing shared or non-shared storage disks.

7.6 Viewing Chargeback Details

Click the Chargeback tab to view the chargeback details. The tab contains the following sections:

  • Charge Trend: The Charge Trend shows the charges across a date range for various metrics. You can set a date range and click Go to recalculate charges.

  • Details: This section shows charge details for the specified date range. You can reorder the data by selecting an option from the Detail Level drop-down menu. Click Export to export the details of the charge plan to a .csv file.

  • Charge Plans: This section allows you to select a zone to see the charge plan in effect for the target type.

  • Oracle VM Guest (Default): If you are using the Extended Charge Plan, the base plan for the Oracle Guest VM target type appears here.

7.7 Viewing Library

Click the Library tab to view the list of assemblies, templates, and deployment plans that you can access. You can choose to view:

  • Public: The list published by the SSA Administrator for your role. The assemblies, templates and deployment plans on which you have view privileges. You will see the assemblies, templates, or deployment plans if the EM_SSA_ADMINISTRATOR has published them or if another EM_SSA_USER has made them shareable.

  • Private: These include the assemblies, templates, and deployment plans that you own. Generally, an SSA user may not own assemblies but may own templates and deployment plans.

You can request servers from this page. See Requesting Servers for details.

You can upload software, share, delete, or stop sharing a software component that you own. Select a component from the list and click Share. Select one or more users with whom the entity is to be shared and click Share.

To unshare an entity, select a shared entity from the list and click Stop Sharing. The list of users with whom this component has been shared appears. Select one or users from the list and click Stop Sharing.

To upload software, click Upload. In the dialog box that appears, select the source file to be upload, enter a name and description, and specify the type (Assembly or Template) of component being uploaded. Click Upload to upload to software to My Library.

7.8 Viewing Policies

Click the Policies tab to view the list of policies that you have defined. You can create a new Performance or Schedule Based Policy or a Policy Group. For example, you can define a policy to start an automatic scale up for a tier if the CPU Utilization is greater than 90 for 5 consecutive occurrences.

For more details on creating and using policies, see About Cloud Policies.

7.9 Viewing Preferences

You can customize the self service portal settings by modifying the preferences. From the user menu on the top right corner of the page, select Preferences, then select SSA Portal Settings. Before you request resources using SSA, you can set up your user profile by specifying the following details:

  • General Preferences

    • Email Address: The default email address to be used to receive notifications.

    • Locale: The default locale for receiving cloud notifications.

    • Request Notifications: Select this checkbox to receive notifications of different statuses of the request.

    • Request Status: If you select the Request Notifications checkbox, select the status for each you wish to receive notifications from the drop down list.

    • Days Before the First / Second Notification: If you select the Instance Expiry Notifications checkbox, specify the number of days before the first and second notifications are sent.

    • Quota Notification: If you select this checkbox, notifications are sent when the quota reaches a specified threshold.

    • Quota Threshold (%): If you have selected the Quota Notification checkbox, specify the quota threshold in this field.

    • Self Service Portal: Select the default Self Service Portal page that should appear when you log in to the Self Service Portal.