14 Monitoring Views

This chapter provides a description of each monitoring view and its columns. It contains the following sections:

For examples of how to use views, see Examples.


MGMT$ALERT_CURRENT displays current information for any alerts that are logged in the Management Repository that are in a non-clear state. Only the most recent open alert in a non-clear status for a given metric is displayed through this view.


Column Description


Name of the target where the metric was collected. The target name uniquely identifies a managed target within the Management Repository. The target name typically contains the name of the managed entity that was provided by the system or database administrator.


The target type defines the set of metrics that are applicable for the target


The unique global identifier for the target


Unique identifier for the alert


Name of the metric being defined


For table metrics, the metric column contains the name of the column in the table that is being defined. If the metric that is being defined is not a table metric, the value in this column is a single space.For example, if this table describing the MGMT$TARGET_TYPE view was being defined as a table metric, Column Name, Data Type, and Description would be metric columns.


An intuitive display name for the metric that is being defined


For table metrics, the column label contains an intuitive display name for the metric column


The key value for which the alert has been recorded. For composite keys, this is the first part of the key


For composite keys, this is the second part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the third part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the fourth part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the fifth part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


The date-time when the alert condition was detected by the Management Agent


A user readable description of the internal alert code that is sent from the Management Agent to identify the state of the alert condition. A alert record is transferred to the repository from the Management Agent each time the metric threshold is crossed in either direction, or if the Management Agent is restarted. The value of this column will contain one of the following strings:

  • Warning

  • Critical

If the metric's alert condition goes into a clear state, it will no longer be visible from this view.


A user readable description of the type of violation. Possible values are:

  • Threshold Violation, when the alert is triggered based on a metric threshold

  • Availability, when the alert is triggered for an availability metric

  • Policy Violation, when the alert is triggered based on a policy violation


An optional message that is generated when the alert is created that provides additional information about the alert condition


The NLSID of the alert message


Contains the URL encoded parameters separated by "&" to be used to format the alert message


Suggested action message in English for this alert


The NLS ID of the action message


Contains the URL encoded parameters for translating action message


The display name of the target type

Usage Notes

  • List the current alerts that are in a non-clear state for a metric, set of metrics, or for a managed target. If the user is only interested in non-clear alerts, counts or selects, using this view provide better performance than using the MGMT$ALERT_DETAILS view.

  • Access to this view will use an index if the query references the member target name, target type, metric name, and metric column or a subset of these columns if they are included as listed above from left to right.


The MGMT$TARGET_METRIC_COLLECTIONS view displays information about the metric collections.


Column Description


Name of the target where the metric was collected. The target name uniquely identifies a managed target within the Management Repository. The target name typically contains the name of the managed entity that was provided by the system or database administrator.


The target type defines the set of metrics that are applicable for the target


Unique global identifier (GUID) for the target


Name of the metric being defined


For table metrics, the metric column contains the name of the column in the table that is being defined. If the metric that is being defined is not a table metric, the value in this column is a single space.

For example, if the table describing the MGMT$TARGET_TYPE view is defined as a table metric, then Column Name, Data Type, and Description would be metric columns.


Unique global identifier (GUID) for the metric. This ID can be used to associate metric information with metric data information during reporting.


The name of the collection


Indicates whether the collection is currently enabled

  • 0=not enabled

  • 1=enabled


Indicates whether this is a repository-side collection. A repository-side collection has a PL/SQL evaluation procedure that is responsible for calculating the metric values.


The metric collection frequency type. Possible values are:

  • 1: One Time

  • 2: Interval

  • 3: Daily

  • 4: Weekly

  • 5: Monthly

  • 6: Yearly

  • 7: On Demand


Frequency of the metric collection. Value displayed is dependent on the frequency code:

  • For One Time, the start date-time is stored in DD-MON-YY HH24:MI format.

  • For Interval type, the frequency in minutes is stored.

  • For Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly types, the hour and minute of collection is stored in HH24:MI format.

  • For On-Demand type, On-Demand is stored.


The frequency with which the metric data is uploaded or stored

Usage Notes

List the metric collections for a given target.


The MGMT$TARGET_METRIC_SETTINGS view displays information about the current metric setting stored for all targets in the Management Repository. This view provides information for both Management Agent-side and Management Repository-side metrics.


Column Description


Name of the target where the metric was collected. The target name uniquely identifies a managed target within the Management Repository. The target name typically contains the name of the managed entity that was provided by the system or database administrator.


The target type defines the set of metrics that are applicable for the target


The unique global identifier (GUID) for the target


Name of the metric being defined


For table metrics, the metric column contains the name of the column in the table that is being defined. If the metric that is being defined is not a table metric, the value in this column is a single space.For example, if the table describing the MGMT$TARGET_TYPE view is defined as a table metric, then Column Name, Data Type, and Description would be metric columns.


The unique global identifier for the metric. This ID can be used to associate metric information with metric data information during reporting.


The name of the collection


The name of the category the metricRefer to MGMT$METRIC_CATEGORIES for the list of all metric categories.


The key value of the metric setting. For composite keys, this is the first part of the key.If the thresholds are not for a table metric, or the thresholds apply for all rows in the metric column, then the value in this column will contain a single space.


For composite keys, this is the  second part of the key


For composite keys, this is the  third part of the key


For composite keys, this is the  fourth part of the key


For composite keys, this is the  fifth part of the key


Specifies whether the key_value columns have any SQL wildcards.For single key column metrics, the value is 1 if the key_value has wildcard characters, 0 otherwise.For metrics with multiple keys, a list of operators for all key columns will be stored here. For example, a metric with 3 keys (k1, k2, k3) where K1 and K2 use wildcards and K3 uses exact match, then 011 is stored in this column.


The is a flag that specifies that the metric rows with this key_value has an active baseline and any user updates to thresholds or parameter values should be ignored.


The is a flag that specifies that the metric rows with this key_value has a template override flag. Once the template override flag is ON, any template application will not update the threshold or parameter values.


Defines the warning threshold condition to be applied

  • 0 - GT

  • 1 - EQ

  • 2 - LT

  • 3 - LE

  • 4 - GE

  • 5 - CONTAINS

  • 6 - NE

  • 7 - MATCH : regular expression


The warning threshold value


Defines the critical threshold condition to be applied

  • 0 - GT

  • 1 - EQ

  • 2 - LT

  • 3 - LE

  • 4 - GE

  • 5 - CONTAINS

  • 6 - NE

  • 7 - MATCH : regular expression


The critical threshold value


The number of times the test has to trigger to raise a violation


Specifies the job type of the warning corrective action when WARNING_ACTION_TYPE is “Corrective-Action"


Specifies the job owner of the warning corrective action when WARNING_ACTION_TYPE is “Corrective-Action"


Specifies the job name of the warning corrective action when WARNING_ACTION_TYPE is “Corrective-Action"


The critical corrective action type configured. Possible values are:

  • No-Action: when no action is configured

  • Corrective-Action: when a repository side corrective action is configured

  • Agent-Fixit Job: when an Agent side fix-it job is configured.


Specifies the job type of the critical corrective action when WARNING_ACTION_TYPE is “Corrective-Action"


Specifies the job owner of the critical corrective action when WARNING_ACTION_TYPE is “Corrective-Action"


Specifies the job name of the critical corrective action when WARNING_ACTION_TYPE is “Corrective-Action"

Usage Notes

  • List all the metric setting for a given target.

  • List the metric settings for a given target and metric.

  • List the corrective actions assigned for a given target-metric.


The MGMT$AVAILABILITY_CURRENT view displays information about the most recent target availability information stored in the Management Repository.


Column Description


Name of the target where the metric was collected. The target name uniquely identifies a managed target within the Management Repository. The target name typically contains the name of the managed entity that was provided by the system or database administrator.


The target type defines the set of metrics that are applicable for the target


The unique global identifier for the target


The time when the target availability status change was first detected


Current target availability status. This column contains one of the following values:

  • Target Down

  • Target Up

  • Metric Error

  • Agent Down

  • Unreachable

  • Blackout

  • Pending/Unknown


Status code corresponding to the availability status.

  • 0 - Target Down

  • 1 - Target Up

  • 2 - Metric Error

  • 3 - Agent Down

  • 4 - Unreachable

  • 5 - Blackout

  • 6 - Pending/Unknown


The name of the target type as shown in the UI.

Usage Notes

Get the current availability status of a given target.


The MGMT$AVAILABILITY_HISTORY view displays detailed historical information about changes in the availability status for a target over time.


Column Description


Name of the target where the metric was collected. The target name uniquely identifies a managed target within the Management Repository. The target name typically contains the name of the managed entity that was provided by the system or database administrator.


The target type defines the set of metrics that are applicable for the target


The unique global identifier for the target


The time when the target availability status change was first detected


The time when the target availability status change was last detected


Target availability status. This column will contain one of the following values:

  • Target Down

  • Target Up

  • Metric Error

  • Agent Down

  • Unreachable

  • Blackout

  • Pending/Unknown

Usage Notes

Access to this view will use an index if the query references the member TARGET_ NAME, TARGET_TYPE and the START_TIMESTAMP.


The MGMT$ALERT_HISTORY view displays historical information for any alerts that are logged in the Management Repository.


Column Description


Name of the target where the metric was collected. The target name uniquely identifies a managed target within the Management Repository. The target name typically contains the name of the managed entity that was provided by the system or database administrator.


The target type defines the set of metrics that are applicable for the target


The unique global identifier for the target


Unique identifier for the alert


Name of the metric being defined


For table metrics, the metric column contains the name of the column in the table that is being defined. If the metric that is being defined is not a table metric, the value in this column is a single space.

For example, if this table describing the MGMT$TARGET_TYPE view was being defined as a table metric, Column Name, Data Type, and Description would be metric columns.


An intuitive display name for the metric that is being defined


For table metrics, the column label contains an intuitive display name for the metric column


The key value for which the alert has been recorded. For composite keys, this is the first part of the key.


For composite keys, this is the second part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the third part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the fourth part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the fifth part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


The date-time when the alert condition was detected by the Management Agent


A user readable description of the internal alert code that is sent from the Management Agent to identify the state of the alert condition. A alert record is transferred to the repository from the Management Agent each time the metric threshold is crossed in either direction, or if the Management Agent is restarted. The value of this column will contain one of the following strings:

  • Warning

  • Critical

If the metric's alert condition goes into a clear state, it will no longer be visible from this view.


The time, in hours, from when the alert condition was first detected until it was cleared


An optional message that is generated when the alert is created that provides additional information about the alert condition


The NLSID of the alert message


Contains the URL encoded parameters separated by "&" to be used to format the alert message


Suggested action message in English for this alert


The NLS ID of the action message


Contains the URL encoded parameters for translating action message


An intuitive description of the type of violation. Possible values are:

  • Threshold Violation: When the alert is triggered based on a metric threshold

  • Availability: When the alert is triggered for an availability metric

  • Policy Violation: When the alert is triggered based on a policy violation


The display name of the target type


The MGMT$AVAIL_ALERT_HISTORY view displays historical information for response alerts that are logged in the Management Repository.


Column Description


Name of the target where the metric was collected. The target name uniquely identifies a managed target within the Management Repository. The target name typically contains the name of the managed entity that was provided by the system or database administrator.


The target type defines the set of metrics that are applicable for the target


The unique global identifier of the target


The unique identifier of the violation.


The priority level of the violation, such as:

  • 15: clear

  • 20: warning

  • 25: alert


Violation GUID of the first violation in the severity life cycle.


An intuitive display name for the metric that is being defined


For table metrics, the metric column contains the name of the column in the table that is being defined. If the metric that is being defined is not a table metric, then the value in this column is a single space.


The unique global identifier for the metric column


User display name of the metric


For table metrics, the column label contains an intuitive displayname for the metric column


The date-time when the alert condition was detected by the Management Agent


A user readable description of the internal alert code that is sent from the Management Agent to identify the state of the alert condition. A alert record is transferred to the repository from the Management Agent each time the metric threshold is crossed in either direction, or if the Management Agent is restarted. The value of this column will contain one of the following strings:

  • Warning

  • Critical


The time, in hours, from when the alert condition was first detected until it was cleared


An optional message that is generated when the alert is created that provides additional information about the alert condition


The NLSID of the alert message


Contains the URL encoded parameters separated by "&" to be used to format the alert message


Suggested action message in English for this alert


The NLS ID of the action message


Contains the URL encoded parameters for translating action message


An intuitive description of the type of violation. Possible values are:

  • Threshold Violation: When the alert is triggered based on a metric threshold

  • Availability: When the alert is triggered for an availability metric

  • Policy Violation: When the alert is triggered based on a policy violation


The display name of the target type


The MGMT$METRIC_DETAILS view displays a rolling 7 day window of individual metric samples. These are the metric values for the most recent sample that has been loaded into the Management Repository plus any earlier samples that have not been aggregated into hourly statistics.


Column Description


Name of the target where the metric was collected. The target name uniquely identifies a managed target within the Management Repository. The target name typically contains the name of the managed entity that was provided by the system or database administrator.


The target type defines the set of metrics that are applicable for the target


The unique global identifier for the target


Name of the metric being defined


A DECODE of the internal numeric type of the metric that is being defined. This column will contain one of the following values:

  • Number

  • String

  • Table

  • Raw

  • External


For table metrics, the metric column contains the name of the column in the table that is being defined. If the metric that is being defined is not a table metric, the value in this column is a single space.For example, if this table describing the MGMT$TARGET_TYPE view was being defined as a table metric, Column Name, Data Type, and Description would be metric columns.


An intuitive display name for the metric that is being defined


For table metrics, the column label contains an intuitive display name for the metric column


The date-time when the alert condition was detected by the Management Agent


Since current metric values can be a numeric or a string type, this column returns the value of the metric as a string. If the user of the view is restricting the query to numeric metric values, they can use the TO_NUMBER SQL function to return the values in numeric form.


The key value for which the alert has been recorded. For composite keys, this is the first part of the key.


For composite keys, this is the second part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the third part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the fourth part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the fifth part of the key for which the alert has been recorded

Usage Notes

  • Show the individual values for a metric over time.

  • Identify time periods when abnormal samples for metric were collected.

  • Calculate the correlation coefficient between two or more metrics.

  • Provide metric values that are associated with an alert.

  • Queries using this view will use an index if the queries use the target name, the target type, metric name. metric column, and key value, or if they are based upon the collection_timestamp.


The MGMT$METRIC_CURRENT view displays information on the most recent metric values that have been loaded into the Management Repository.


Column Description


Name of the target where the metric was collected. The target name uniquely identifies a managed target within the Management Repository. The target name typically contains the name of the managed entity that was provided by the system or database administrator.


The target type defines the set of metrics that are applicable for the target


The unique global identifier for the target


Name of the metric being defined


A DECODE of the internal numeric type of the metric that is being defined. This column will contain one of the following values:

  • Number

  • String

  • Table

  • Raw

  • External


For table metrics, the metric column contains the name of the column in the table that is being defined. If the metric that is being defined is not a table metric, the value in this column is a single space.For example, if this table describing the MGMT$TARGET_TYPE view was being defined as a table metric, Column Name, Data Type, and Description would be metric columns.


An intuitive display name for the metric that is being defined


For table metrics, the column label contains an intuitive display name for the metric column


The date-time when the alert condition was detected by the Management Agent


Since current metric values can be a numeric or a string type, this column returns the value of the metric as a string. If the user of the view is restricting the query to numeric metric values, they can use the TO_NUMBER SQL function to return the values in numeric form.


The key value for which the alert has been recorded. For composite keys, this is the first part of the key.


For composite keys, this is the second part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the third part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the fourth part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the fifth part of the key for which the alert has been recorded

Usage Notes

  • Retrieve the most recent value for a metric that is stored in the Management Repository.

  • Retrieve the latest metrics for a target or metric for a specific time period.

  • Queries using this view will use an index if the queries use target name, the target type, metric name. metric column, and key value, or if they are based upon the collection_timestamp.


The MGMT$METRIC_HOURLY view displays metric statistics information that have been aggregated from the individual metric samples into hourly time periods. For example, if a metric is collected every 15 minutes, the 1 hour rollup would aggregate the 4 samples into a single hourly value by averaging the 4 individual samples together. The current hour of statistics may not be immediately available from this view. The timeliness of the information provided from this view is dependent on when the query against the view was executed and when the hourly rollup table was last refreshed.


Column Description


Name of the target where the metric was collected. The target name uniquely identifies a managed target within the Management Repository. The target name typically contains the name of the managed entity that was provided by the system or database administrator.


The target type defines the set of metrics that are applicable for the target


The unique global identifier for the target


Name of the metric being defined


For table metrics, the metric column contains the name of the column in the table that is being defined. If the metric that is being defined is not a table metric, the value in this column is a single space.For example, if this table describing the MGMT$TARGET_TYPE view was being defined as a table metric, Column Name, Data Type, and Description would be metric columns.


An intuitive display name for the metric that is being defined


For table metrics, the column label contains an intuitive display name for the metric column


The key value for which the alert has been recorded. For composite keys, this is the first part of the key


For composite keys, this is the second part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the third part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the fourth part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the fifth part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


The rollup timestamp identifies the start of the rollup period. For the one-hour rollups, samples that fall within the hourly boundaries from minute 00 through minute 59 inclusive will be combined. For example, samples from 12:00 AM through 12:59 AM would be combined into a single aggregated record with a rollup timestamp of "date" 12:00 AM.


The number of non NULL samples for the metric that were aggregated


The average of the metric values for the samples that have been included in the rollup period


The minimum value for the metric for the samples that have been included in the rollup period


The maximum value for the metric for samples that have been included in the rollup period


The standard deviation for the metric values that have been included in the rollup period

Usage Notes

  • This view provides the best level of granularity to show changes in a metric's value over the course of a day.

  • Identify hourly time periods when a metric or sets of metrics are maximized.

  • Understand how the variability of a metric over a one hour time period.

  • Identify the values of the collected metrics for a target when a particular hour has been identified as problematic.

  • Queries using this view will use an index if the queries use the target_name, the metric_name, or if they are based upon the rollup_timestamp.


The MGMT$METRIC_DAILY view displays metric statistics that have been aggregated from the samples collected over the previous twenty-four hour time period. The timeliness of the information provided from this view is dependent on when the query against the view was executed and when the hourly rollup table was last refreshed.


Column Description


Name of the target where the metric was collected. The target name uniquely identifies a managed target within the Management Repository. The target name typically contains the name of the managed entity that was provided by the system or database administrator.


The target type defines the set of metrics that are applicable for the target


The unique global identifier for the target


Name of the metric being defined


For table metrics, the metric column contains the name of the column in the table that is being defined. If the metric that is being defined is not a table metric, the value in this column is a single space.For example, if this table describing the MGMT$TARGET_TYPE view was being defined as a table metric, Column Name, Data Type, and Description would be metric columns.


An intuitive display name for the metric that is being defined


For table metrics, the column label contains an intuitive display name for the metric column


The key value for which the alert has been recorded. For composite keys, this is the first part of the key


For composite keys, this is the second part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the third part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the fourth part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


For composite keys, this is the fifth part of the key for which the alert has been recorded


The rollup timestamp identifies the start of the rollup period. For the one-hour rollups, samples that fall within the hourly boundaries from minute 00 through minute 59 inclusive will be combined. For example, samples from 12:00 AM through 12:59 AM would be combined into a single aggregated record with a rollup timestamp of "date" 12:00 AM.


The number of non-NULL samples for the metric that were aggregated


The average of the metric values for the samples that have been included in the rollup period


The minimum value for the metric for the samples that have been included in the rollup period


The maximum value for the metric for samples that have been included in the rollup period


The standard deviation for the metric values that have been included in the rollup period

Usage Notes

  • This view provides the best granularity to show changes in a metric's value over the course of a week or month.

  • Understand trends in metric values.

  • Queries using this view will use an index if the queries use the target_name, the metric_name, or if they are based upon the rollup_timestamp.