A Passing Credentials as Parameters

Credentials passed as parameters to user-defined scripts are available as an input stream. Learn how to pass and extract credentials in your scripts.

This appendix includes the following sections:

A.1 Passing Credentials as Parameters

Pass credentials as parameter to your Oracle Site Guard scripts.

The following scripts illustrate how to pass credentials as parameters:


The scripts in this appendix illustrate sample scripts only. Change and adapt them to suit your environment.

A.2 extract_credentials_sample_script.sh

Extract credentials from your Oracle Site Guard scripts.


get_user_name() {
        local index=$(expr $1)
        if [ "$no_of_users" -lt $index ]; then
                echo ""
                echo $(echo "$all_users" | awk -v userNameIndex="$index" -F'<<SiteGuard_User>>' '{print $userNameIndex}')
get_password() {
        local index=$(expr $1)
        if [ "$no_of_passwords" -lt $index ]; then
                echo ""
                echo $(echo "$all_passwords" | awk -v passwordIndex="$index" -F'<<SiteGuard_Password>>' '{print $passwordIndex}')
load_credentials() {
        read -s all_credentials
        all_users=$(echo "${all_credentials}" | awk -F'<<SiteGuard_Credentials>>' '{print $1}')
        all_passwords=$(echo "${all_credentials}" | awk -F'<<SiteGuard_Credentials>>' '{print $2}')
        no_of_users=$(expr $(echo "$all_users" | awk -F'<<SiteGuard_User>>' '{print NF}'))
        no_of_passwords=$(expr $(echo "$all_passwords" | awk -F'<<SiteGuard_Password>>' '{print NF}'))
        if [ "$no_of_users" -ne "$no_of_passwords" ]; then
                echo "INFO: Total no. of users : '$no_of_users'"
                echo "INFO: Total no. of passwords : '$no_of_passwords'"
                echo "ERROR: Number of User Names and number of Passwords do not match"
                exit 1
                echo "Total of '$no_of_users' credentials found"
userName=$(get_user_name '1')
password=$(get_password '1')
echo "[1] UserName : '$userName', Password : '$password'"
userName=$(get_user_name '2')
password=$(get_password '2')
echo "[2] UserName : '$userName', Password : '$password'"
userName=$(get_user_name '3')
password=$(get_password '3')
echo "[3] UserName : '$userName', Password : '$password'"
userName=$(get_user_name '4')
password=$(get_password '4')
echo "[4] UserName : '$userName', Password : '$password'"

A.3 extract_credentials_sample_script.py

Extract credentials from your Oracle Site Guard scripts.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
class SiteGuardCredentialUtil(object):
    userNames = passwords = ''
    noOfUsers = noOfPasswords = 0
    credentialNotSet = False
    def __init__(self):
        credentialsIO = sys.stdin.readlines()[0]
        if credentialsIO :
            credentials = credentialsIO.split('<<SiteGuard_Credentials>>')
            self.userNames = credentials[0].split('<<SiteGuard_User>>')
            self.passwords = credentials[1].split('<<SiteGuard_Password>>')
            self.noOfUsers = len(self.userNames)
            self.noOfPasswords = len(self.passwords)
            self.credentialNotSet = True
            if self.noOfUsers != self.noOfPasswords :
                print("INFO: Total no. of users : '%s'"%self.noOfUsers)
                print("INFO: Total no. of passwords : '%s'"%self.noOfPasswords)
                print('ERROR: Number of User Names and number of Passwords do not match')
            else :
                print("INFO: Total of '%s' credentials found"%self.noOfUsers)
    def getCredential(self, credential):
        if self.credentialNotSet :
            if self.noOfUsers < int(credential) :
                print("ERROR: Credential not found at index '%s'"%credential)
            else :
                credentialIndex = credential - 1;
                return self.userNames[credentialIndex], self.passwords[credentialIndex]
        else :
            print('WARNING: SiteGuard Credentials not set')
            return '', ''
def main():
    sgUtil = SiteGuardCredentialUtil()
    myUser, myPassword = sgUtil.getCredential(1)
    print("[1] UserName : '"+ myUser + "', Password : '" + myPassword + "'")
    myUser, myPassword = sgUtil.getCredential(2)
    print("[2] UserName : '"+ myUser + "', Password : '" + myPassword + "'")
    myUser, myPassword = sgUtil.getCredential(3)
    print("[3] UserName : '"+ myUser + "', Password : '" + myPassword + "'")
    myUser, myPassword = sgUtil.getCredential(4)
    print("[4] UserName : '"+ myUser + "', Password : '" + myPassword + "'")
    Starting point...

A.4 extract_credentials_sample_script.pl

Extract credentials from your Oracle Site Guard scripts.

use strict;
use warnings;
our @ALL_USERS     = undef;
our @ALL_PASSWORDS = undef;
our $NO_OF_USERS     = 0;
my $userId1   = get_user_name(1);
my $password1 = get_password(1);
print_msg("[1] UserName : '$userId1', Password : '$password1'");
my $userId2   = get_user_name(2);
my $password2 = get_password(2);
print_msg("[2] UserName : '$userId2', Password : '$password2'");
my $userId3   = get_user_name(3);
my $password3 = get_password(3);
print_msg("[3] UserName : '$userId3', Password : '$password3'");
my $userId4   = get_user_name(4);
my $password4 = get_password(4);
print_msg("[4] UserName : '$userId4', Password : '$password4'");
sub load_credentials {
        my ($credentials) = @_;
        if ( length($credentials) <= 0 ) {
                print_msg("WARNING: Credentials not found");
                return '';
        else {
                my @userIds   = split( /<<SiteGuard_Credentials>>/, $credentials );
                my @passwords = split( /<<SiteGuard_Credentials>>/, $credentials );
                @ALL_USERS     = split( /<<SiteGuard_User>>/,     $userIds[0] );
                @ALL_PASSWORDS = split( /<<SiteGuard_Password>>/, $passwords[1] );
                $NO_OF_USERS     = $#ALL_PASSWORDS + 1;
                $NO_OF_PASSWORDS = $#ALL_PASSWORDS + 1;
                if ( "$NO_OF_USERS" != "$NO_OF_PASSWORDS" ) {
                        print_msg("INFO: Total no. of users : '$NO_OF_USERS'");
                        print_msg("INFO: Total no. of passwords : '$NO_OF_PASSWORDS'");
                        print_msg("ERROR: Number of User Names and number of Passwords do not match.");
                        exit 1;
                else {
                        print_msg("Total of '$NO_OF_USERS' credentials found.");
sub get_user_name {
        my ($index) = @_;
        my $userName = "";
        if ( "$NO_OF_USERS" > $index - 1 ) {
                $userName = $ALL_USERS[ $index - 1 ];
        else {
                print_msg("ERROR: Credential at index '$index' not found.");
                exit 1;
        return $userName;
sub get_password {
        my ($index) = @_;
        my $password = "";
        if ( "$NO_OF_PASSWORDS" > $index - 1 ) {
                $password = $ALL_PASSWORDS[ $index - 1 ];
        else {
                print_msg("ERROR: Credential at index '$index' not found.");
                exit 1;
        return $password;
sub print_msg {
        my ($msg) = @_;
        print("$msg \n");