5.5 Modifying Ticket Templates

A template is an XSLT file that transforms an input XML format to an output XML format. To make the mapping changes, you need to understand the input XML format being transformed, and the output XML the template generates. The input document is the XML document that contains the Enterprise Manager incident information. The output document is the request being sent to the HP Service Manager web service. The output XML document must conform to the data format specified in the Service Manager IncidentManagement WSDL.

Enterprise Manager Incident Format contains details on the format of the incident data Enterprise Manager generates. HP Service Manager WSDL Format contains details on the XML format required by the out-of-box IncidentManagement Service Manager web service. Service Manager web services may be customized, so the format used in your environment could be significantly different.

To modify the custom template file:

  1. Review HP Service Manager WSDL Format to identify the names of the fields in Service Manager that you are planning to modify. The order of the fields is important, so if you need to add new fields, make sure to note where the field goes.
  2. If you are planning on using data from the incident, review Enterprise Manager Incident Format to identify the field(s) you want to use in the mapping. Enterprise Manager Incident Examples contains sample transactions that could be very helpful in identifying what data is present in the XML document from Enterprise Manager.
  3. Open the custom template file in a text editor or a utility that you can use to build XSLT files.
  4. Make the necessary changes to the custom template file and save it.
  5. Unless the change is very simple, you should test the changes that you have made using the sample data from Enterprise Manager Incident Examples. This requires a utility that performs XSLT translations.