A.1 XML Format of HP OMU Messages

Example A-1 represents the format that the HP OMU Web service expects for creating new messages in HP OMU. The format for update requests is the same, except that the root node would be update instead of create.

Example A-1 Sample Create Format for HP OMU Web Service

<iwaveaf:create xmlns:iwaveaf="http://iwavesoftware.com/services/
          <!-- OMU Application -->
          <string-field name="application">
            <xsl:value-of select="a:TargetType"/>
          <!-- Do not add CMA data -->
          <string-field name="ovo_ts_field">NONE</string-field>
          <!-- Own the event after it is created -->
          <string-field name="own">true</string-field>

A.1.1 Mappings Between XML Format and Message Field Names

Table A-1 identifies the mappings between the HP Operations Manager message field names and the XML format that the HP Operations Manager Web services uses. To set the HP Operations Manager message attributes, the XML document presented to the HP Operations Manager Web service must have the corresponding fields set. This must be handled in the appropriate translation file identified in Table 5-1.

Table A-1 Message Attributes and XML Path Mappings

HP Operations Manager Message Attributes XML Path

Message No.


Message Text


Message Type




No. of Duplicates


Owned By


Time Created


Time Acknowledged


Acknowledged By


Message Group









See "Extended Fields" below.

CMA Fields

See "Extended Fields" below.

A.1.2 Extended Fields

An extended field is defined as a <string-field/> element that is a child of the extended-fields node. The name of the extended field is specified in the name attribute, and the value of this field is specified as the element value.

Some reserved extended field names are handled differently. The reserved field names are listed below along with a description of how they are handled.

  • application — Reserved for the HP Operations Manager application attribute. The specified value for this field is used to set the application field when creating or updating an HP Operations Manager message.

  • disown — Changes the behavior of the HP Operations Manager Agent. By default, the HP Operations Manager account used to create the message is left as the owner. By setting this field to true, the message is disowned after it is created.

  • ovo_ts_field — Prevents transaction loopback, and should always be set to NONE.

Any other extended field name you specify adds a Custom Message Attribute (CMA) field to the message. You specify the name of the CMA field for the Name attribute, and you specify the value in the element.


Adding CMA fields causes overhead. Attempting to add a large number of CMA fields can affect performance somewhat.