4.2 Viewing Events in the HP Operations Console

After the event has been sent to HP Operations, you can view it in the HP Operations Console. As shown in Figure 4-4, full details about the event are sent to HP Operations, including:

  • Event message

  • Event severity

  • Time stamp

  • Target on which the event was raised

  • URL to the Enterprise Manager event details page

Figure 4-4 Event Details in the HP Operations Console

Shows contents of Message Text tab.

Clicking on the URL shows you the details of the event in Enterprise Manager after logging on with a valid Enterprise Manager user account, as shown in Figure 4-5. You can change the event information sent to HP Operations, or the mappings between the Enterprise Manager event and HP Operations event by event templates.


See Working With Event Templates for more information on event templates.

Figure 4-5 Event Details in Enterprise Manager

Shows contents of General tab.