Inhibiting a Standby Server

Occasionally (for example, before powering down), it may be necessary to inhibit the standby server.

Note: Inhibiting the active server results in switchover, as described in “Manually Switching Over from the Active Server to the Standby Server”.

Use the following procedure to inhibit the standby server.

  1. Log in as the lsmsmgr user to the standby server.
    (For information about logging in as lsmsmgr, see “Logging In to LSMS Server Command Line”.)
  2. From the main lsmsmgr interface, select Maintenance > Inhibit Node.
    The lsmsmgr interface displays the window shown in Figure 1.
    Figure 1. Inhibit a Non-Active Server
  3. Ensure that the Yes button is highlighted and press Enter.
    While the server is being inhibited, the lsmsmgr interface disappears and the following text is displayed on the command line, where <hostname> is the name of the server:
    Inhibiting node <hostname>...
  4. When the server has been completely inhibited, the lsmsmgr interface appears again. Press any key to continue.
    Figure 2. Node Successfully Inhibited

    The lsmsmgr main menu is displayed again.

Note: Do not allow this server to remain in UNINITIALIZED "INHIBITED" state any longer than necessary. As soon as possible, perform the procedure described in perform the procedure described in “Starting a Server” to change the state of the server to STANDBY state so that it is available if automatic switchover is needed or if manual switchover is desired.