Configuring User Profiles

This section discusses how to configure user profiles

Note: The term "user profiles" is used here to refer to user configurations for a workstation. These profiles are not to be confused with PeopleSoft security user profiles.

Select the Profile tab.

Use this tab to define one or more user profiles, each of which specifies connection parameters and file location information for a PeopleSoft installation.

Many PeopleSoft installations include multiple databases. For example, there may be one database for tracking financial information, such as expense reports, and another database for human resources processes, such as benefits enrollment. Each of these databases has its own set of supporting files, SQR reports, COBOL processes, and so on. PeopleTools locates these files by referring to the Microsoft Windows registry. By defining multiple profiles, you can tell PeopleTools to use different directory paths depending on the database.

When you first open PeopleSoft Configuration Manager, the Profile tab displays a single profile named Default. To set the parameters for this profile, make sure that it's selected, and click the Edit button. The Edit Profile dialog box appears.

Each workstation must have a default profile, which is used when the user signs in to a database or application server that isn't listed in any profile. If the workstation requires only one set of profile settings, you can use the default profile. You can also set up multiple PeopleSoft Configuration Manager profiles. The profiles are set for Microsoft Windows workstations and are specific to each user and not shared by all workstation users.

Note: You can use profiles to easily switch between applications.

From the Edit Profile dialog box, select the Database/Application Servers tab.

Use this tab to specify the configured databases and application servers associated with this profile. When a user enters one of these databases or application servers in the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box, PeopleTools uses the registry settings associated with this profile.

Note: You can assign multiple databases and application servers to a single profile. However, each database and application server must be assigned to only one profile. If you try to add a database to a second profile, PeopleSoft Configuration Manager asks you if you want to remove it from the previous profile and add it to the current one.

Note: Before you enter a database or application server on this tab, you should have already installed and configured it as documented in the PeopleSoft installation documentation for your database platform.

Application Server Name

Enter a name for an application server that you have configured. This name will appear in the drop-down list box on the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box. Choose a name that's intuitive for your site.

Note: Application server names cannot exceed 24 characters.

Machine Name or IP Address

Enter the IP address or the resolvable server name of the application server you specified in the Application Server Name field. You specified the IP address in the [Workstation Listener] section of your PSAPPSRV.CFG file when you installed your PeopleSoft application server. For example, you could enter207.135.65.20 orsp-hp32.

Port Number

Enter the port number for the application server that you specified in the Application Server Name field. You specified the port number when you installed and configured the application server using PSADMIN. A port number is an arbitrary number between 0 and 9999 that is determined by site specifications.

Note: To configure SSL for Workstation Listener, you must enter the port number specified for the WSL SSL Port property in PSADMIN.

See Modifications in PSADMIN for more information.

TUXEDO Connect String

Use this field to support dynamic load balancing. You can specify a free-form connect string that allows a client to connect to another application server in case another is either down or being used to full capacity.

Note: The Tuxedo connect string cannot exceed 1000 characters.

When configuring load balancing, you might choose from the following approaches:

  • Round robin load balancing.

    With this approach, you specify multiple application servers, and each client picks a server randomly. This approach assumes that application server will receive an equal number of connections. To specify round robin load balancing, use the following syntax for the connect string:

    (//IP address 1:port 1|//IP address 2:port 2|//Ip address n:port n)

    You can specify the IP address using either dotted notation or by using the server's DNS name. Either way, the slashes (//) preceding the IP address are required.

    If the selected application server is unavailable, your connection attempt fails, and the system does not try to connect you to the other application servers defined within the parentheses.

    Spaces are not allowed in any part of the connection string. The system automatically removes embedded spaces before storing the value in the registry.

  • Round robin with failover.

    With this approach, you define a failover connection string. Use the following syntax:

    (//IP address 1:port 1|//IP address 2:port 2),(//IP address 3:port 3)

    If the application server selected from the first group of parentheses (IP addresses 1 and 2) is unavailable, the system automatically attempts to connect to an application server defined in the second group (IP address 3). If that application server fails, the system attempts to connect to the next group to the right, sequentially.

    If multiple application servers are defined within any group, the system round-robins between them. If the selected application server fails, the system attempts to connect to the next application server to the right, if any. The following list shows three examples of connect strings that use this approach:

    • (//sp-ibm01:8000|//sp-ibm02:8000),(//sp-nt01:8000)

    • (//|//|//

    • (//sp-sun01:8000),(//sp-sun02:8000),(//sp-sun03:8000)

Domain Connection Password

Specify for the password for establishing a connection to the domain. The domain configuration contains the DomainConnectionPwd parameter, which provides an additional layer of security for the domain by preventing connections from any unauthorized clients. Three-tier workstation connections must submit the same password as the specified DomainConnectionPwd value.

For a three-tier Windows workstation connection, you enter the password in the Domain Connection Password field.

Wallet Location

Specify the location of the Oracle Wallet for client.

See Modifications in Configuration Manager for more information.

Wallet Name

Specify the name of the Oracle Wallet for client.

See Modifications in Configuration Manager for more information.

Set and Delete Buttons

When you click Set, your application server information is displayed in the grid at the top of the dialog box. You can enter a new application server name and set up a different server if you like.

Note: The settings in the grid are not saved until you click Apply orOK. If you clickCancel without first clickingApply orOK, you lose all the information in the grid.

To remove an application server configuration, select its application server name in the grid and click Delete.

Access the Process Scheduler tab.

Use this tab to specify the directories that are associated with PeopleSoft Process Scheduler jobs, such as SQR and COBOL directories.


Field or Control


PeopleSoft Home Directory

Enter your high-level PeopleSoft directory, such as N:\HR920, orN:\PT853. This value is referred to as your PS_HOME.

PeopleSoft Apps Home Directory

If you have installed your PeopleSoft application into a directory other than PS_HOME, specify that location here, such as N:\HR920. This value is referred to as your PS_APP_HOME.

Note: If the PS_APP_HOME value is not set and the PS_HOME value is set, then the system assumes that PS_HOME is the location of your PS_APP_HOME. That is, the system assumes you have installed your PeopleSoft application into the same directory as PeopleTools in PS_HOME. Changes need to be added and saved to the Process Scheduler tab for the system to implement this.

PeopleSoft Customizations Home Directory

If you have created custom files or modified delivered files, you can store them in PS_CUST_HOME to simplify system resource sharing as well as upgrades and updates.

See Working with PS_CUST_HOME for more information.

Output Directory

(Optional) Enter the directory used with the Output Destination field when scheduling a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler request.

Log Directory

Enter the directory for SQR, COBOL, and PeopleSoft Process Scheduler log files.

Temp Directory

Enter the path to your temporary directory, for example, C:\TEMP. This directory stores log files and other output files.

Database Drivers

Enter the path to the directory where your database drivers reside.

Note: The PeopleTools Development Environment running on the Windows workstation (Application Designer, Data Mover, and so on) is a 64–bit application, requiring 64–bit connectivity software. See PeopleTools Installation for your database platform, for more information.

Word Executables Directory

Enter the directory containing Microsoft Word executable.

Redirect Output

Select to redirect on-screen COBOL Display statements to a log file. (If this check box is clear, you see the onscreen messages only.) Sending the messages to a log file is useful for debugging purposes. The log file is created in the %TEMP%\PS_HOME\DBNAME directory. In addition to the output generated by COBOL Display statements, the log file contains errors generated by the COBOL runtime system.

Note: To use the Application Engine debug feature, clear Redirect Output.

Application Engine

Field or Control



Select to enable the Application Engine command-line debugger.

Warning! Select the Debug check box only when you are testing and troubleshooting client-side processes. If you selectDebug and submit a process request to the server, the process hangs, waiting for a user command.

Disable Restart

Select to disable the Application Engine restart feature, which lets you restart an abnormally terminated Application Engine program. When selected, Application Engine programs start from the beginning. This option is useful during debugging. Do not select it in a production environment.


Field or Control


SQR Executables

Enter the path to the directory where SQR executables reside.

SQR Flags

Enter the SQR parameters that PeopleSoft Process Scheduler should pass on the command line to the SQR executables. The following SQR flags are required for launching SQR reports:

  • -i: Specifies the path to SQC files.

  • -m: Specifies the path to the ALLMAXES.MAX file.

  • -f: Specifies the output path.

  • -o: Directs log messages to the specified file.

  • -ZIF: Sets full path to the and name of the SQR initialization file, SQR.INI.


Enter the directory paths that the SQR executable should use to locate SQR reports. For example, C:\PT8.53\SQR;C:\Apps\sqr.


Field or Control


COBOL Executables

Enter the path to \CBLBIN, where COBOL executables reside.

Note: When specifying COBOL locations, consider the location of your PS_APP_HOME.

Access the nVision tab.

Use this tab to specify where PS/nVision should look for files and how it should operate. PeopleSoft Query Link, the feature that enables you to send PeopleSoft Query output to a spreadsheet, also uses these settings.

Space between Query Columns

This parameter sets the number of blank Microsoft Excel characters that PeopleSoft Query Link places between query output columns. To eliminate column spacing, set Space between Query Columns to zero.

Directory Paths

Specify the locations of directories associated with PS/nVision jobs.

Note: When specifying nVision directory locations, consider the location of your PS_APP_HOME.

Field or Control


Customization Macros

Enter the directory containing macros for PS/nVision and PeopleSoft Query Link. It is usually PS_HOME\excel.

Report Layouts

Enter the location of PS/nVision layout fields.

Drilldown Layouts

Enter the location of PS/nVision drilldown files, for example, c:\user\nvision\layout\drilldn.

Report Instance

Enter the directory in which PS/nVision places report instances; for example, c:\user\nvision\instance.

Query Templates

Enter the directory to look for the QUERY.XLT file, which defines the Microsoft Excel styles used to format output. The default is PS_HOME\excel.

Style Sheets

Enter the directory where the NVSUSER style wizard locates nPlosion style sheets.

Trace Level

Indicate whether you want PS/nVision to generate independent trace log files of two-tier activity, and at what level, for each nVision process. Select one of the following values:

  • 0: Disable tracing. This is the default value.

  • 1: Generate basic high level information.

    This setting can be used to check whether nVision has successfully launched and is able to connect to Excel and process the request. Some of the key entries in a level 1 trace log are:

    • Command Line Arguments.

    • Trace Level.

    • Excel Pid.

    • Run Control Name.

    • Report Id.

    • Business Unit.

    • Drill Layout.

    • Report Id.

    • Instance Name.

  • 2: Generate level 1 tracing plus high level code flow.

  • 3: Generate level 2 tracing plus runtime SQL statements.

  • 4: Generate level 3 tracing plus most function calls and output values.

    Use this setting to identify problems that are intermittent and hard to predict.

The trace log files are generated in the c:\temp directory, named with the format psnvs_process_id.nvt, for example, psnvs_1024.nvt. You can view these log files in a text editor.

See Viewing Process Detail Actions.

Note: Extensive tracing will affect PS/nVision performance. Two-tier log files aren't automatically purged by PS/nVision. Users must manually delete them from the temp directory to save disk space.

Select the Common tab.

Application Designer Image Conversion

When you upgrade to newer version of PeopleTools, you'll need to convert images to a new format, which may require more storage space. If the images exceed the record size limit of your platform, you can shrink the images to conform to this limit.

Field or Control


Convert and Shrink Images to Platform Limit

Select to convert and shrink images to fit your selected database platform limit, as shown in the Image Size Limit field.

Field or Control


Convert and Shrink Images to Image Size Limit

If you are upgrading to a different database platform, select this option and specify the correct value in the Image Size Limit field.

Field or Control


Don't Convert, but Shrink Images to Image Size Limit

Select for images that have already been converted, but need to be converted so they meet the platform size limits.

Data Mover Directories

You can control several PeopleSoft Data Mover environment variables through PeopleSoft Configuration Manager.

Note: When specifying Data Mover directory locations, consider the location of your PS_APP_HOME.

Field or Control


Input Directory

Enter the directory where PeopleSoft Data Mover should search for its input data files. If no path is specified for SET INPUT in the Data Mover script, Data Mover searches directories for the database file in the following order.

  1. Specified output directory.

  2. C:\TEMP.

Field or Control


Output Directory

Enter the directory where PeopleSoft Data Mover scripts and .DAT files will be created. Data Mover must have write access to the location.

The default is PS_CFG_HOME\data.

Log Directory

Enter the location of PeopleSoft Data Mover log files. This location must allow Data Mover write access in the case of a read-only PS_HOME configuration.

The default is C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Local Settings\Temp.