Integrating with Oracle Configuration Manager

This section contains an overview and discusses how to instrument PeopleTools for Oracle Configuration Manager data collection.

Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) is used to collect configuration data from customer environments and upload that data to a Customer Configuration Repository (CCR) stored and managed by Oracle. OCM works in tandem with PeopleSoft EMF for collecting configuration data from a PeopleSoft environment. The OCM data collection agents collect configuration data using the feed provided by the PeopleSoft EMF agents.

The PSEMAgent has to be running on the instance so that configuration data can be collected. After crawling the environment, PSEMAgent writes the environment data in XML format (with a .psft extension) to the PS_HOME/ccr/state directory.

OCM is installed and configured on a PeopleTools environment as part of the application server, Process Scheduler server, and web server PeopleTools installation. You can also install and configure OCM by directly downloading the standalone install kit from My Oracle Support.

See PeopleTools Installation for your platform, “Using the PeopleSoft Installer”

This section provides an overview of the data collection and discusses:

  • Setting up Integration Broker for OCM.

  • Deploying Services for OCM.

  • Setting up security for OCM.

  • Publishing queries for OCM.

Understanding PeopleTools Instrumentation for OCM

The optional configuration information collected from a PeopleSoft system for Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) are defined as queries and shipped with OCM collectors. The query definitions need to be instrumented after the installation and configuration of OCM on a PeopleSoft environment. The instrumentation step publishes the queries that are required to gather configuration information from a PeopleSoft system using Integration Broker. The queries can be instrumented by a Java program “psft_qrypub” and are part of the OCM collector. The publishing of queries is a one-time activity performed after the configuration of CCR collectors.

The Integration Broker services and interfaces used by the publishing engine are:

Service Name

Operation Name




Discovers application type.


Determines whether data already exists.


Deletes query for republishing.


Saves query definition.



Adds participating records of a query to QUERY_TREE_CCR.

Setting Up Integration Broker for OCM

Setting up Integration Broker is discussed in the Integration Broker documentation.

When setting up Integration Broker for OCM, make sure that:

  • Your gateway is configured and pointing to the appropriate gateway URL, such as http://<webserver_machinename>:<httpport>/PSIGW/PeoplesoftListeningConnector.

  • All other connectors are loaded.

  • On the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page you specify the appropriate Gateway Default App. Server values and PeopleSoft Nodes values.

  • You can ping the node successfully.

  • On the Service Configuration page (PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Configuration) that the target location http://<webserver>:<httpport>/PSIGW/PeopleSoftServiceListeningConnector.

Deploying Services for OCM

To publish QAS services:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Web Services, Provide Web Service.

  2. Search and select the QAS_QRY_SERVICE service, and click Next.

  3. Select View All to see all operations in the grid.

  4. Choose the following operations:





  5. Click Next until the final step and click Finish.

  6. Make note of the WSDL URL generated, and open the wsdl in a new browser and make sure it was generated successfully.

To publish CCR services:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Web Services, Provide Web Service.

  2. Search for and select PT_CCR_QUERY, and click Next.

  3. Choose the following operation. CCR_TREE_ADD_REC.v1.

  4. Click Next until the final step and click Finish.

  5. Make note of the WSDL URL generated, and pen the wsdl in a new browser and make sure it was generated successfully.

To verify permissions for service PT_CCR_QUERY and operation CCR_TREE_ADD_REC:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations.

  2. For search criteria enter: for:

    • Service: PT_CCR_QUERY

    • Service Operation: CCR_TREE_ADD_REC

    • Operation Type: Synchronous

  3. Click CCR_TREE_ADD_REC and select Service Operation Security.

  4. Make sure that the permission list PTPT1000 has Full Access is set.

Setting Up Security for OCM

This section defines setting up of two user accounts.

User Account



Used by the client publisher Java program to publish queries using Integration Broker.

To set up this user profile, add the CCR Publisher role to the user profile.


Used for configuring your application server and Process Scheduler. PEMAgent uses the same credentials to run the queries for publishing the configuration information to OCM.

To set up this user profile, add the CCR Execution role to the user profile.

See Working With User Profiles.

Publishing Queries

The publisher program can be invoked by running psft_qrypub.bat in <PS_HOME>/ccr/sysman/admin/util.