17   Product Tables

This section provides information about Product tables in the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation application.


·        About Product Dimension Table

·        Deploying Product Tables on Hive

·        Populating Product Dimension Tables

·        Related Topics

Product tables are used to load the product details that the customer has opted for.

About Product Dimension Tables

Product Dimension table names and their description are given here.

Table 73: Product Dimension table names and their description

Logical Dimension Table Name

Dimension Table Description

Product Dimension

This table stores the details of all the products (existing and stopped) offered by the Insurance Company.

Product Category Dimension

This table stores details about the loan product category.

Product Type Dimension

This table stores details about loan product type.

Product Feature Dimension

This table stores the product feature details.


The mapping details for the Product Dimension tables are given here.

Table 74: The mapping details for the Product Dimension tables

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name

Dimension Table Name

Logical Dimension Table Name



Stage Product Master


Product Dimension



Stage Product Category Master


Product Category Dimension



Stage Product Type Master


Product Type Dimension



Product Dimension View


Product Dimension



Stage Product Feature Master


Product Feature Dimension



The FSI_PROD_STD_PROD_TYPE_MAP table has been added for mapping purposes if the customer so desires. This table stores Product Standard Product Type mapping details.


Deploying Product Tables on Hive

All RDBMS related Result tables can also be deployed on Hive (Stage and Results). Deploy the Hive T2Ts using the Rules Run Framework. For more information, see the Rules Run Framework section in the Oracle Financial Services Advanced Analytical Applications Infrastructure User Guide Release



In general, Stage and Result tables are also supported in Hive. However, there are some exceptions. For a list of tables that are not supported in Hive, see List of Unsupported T2Ts


Populating Product Dimension Tables

Follow this SCD process to populate data into a Dimension table:



You can also follow this SCD process to populate data into any Hive-related Dimension table.


1.     To populate data into a Dimension table, execute the SCD batch. For a detailed procedure, see the Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) Process.

2.     To check the SCD batch execution status of a Dimension table, follow the procedure Check the Execution Status of the SCD Batch.

3.     To verify log files, and check the error messages (if any), follow the procedure Verify Log Files and Check Error Messages.

Related Topics

You can see the following topics related to other function-specific tables:

·        Insurance Underwriting Entities

·        Insurance Contracts Tables