6       Data Flow Process for Data Foundation

This section provides information about the data flow process for the Data Foundation application to populate the Result tables.


·        Technical Flow to Populate the Result Tables

·        Execution Processes

Technical Flow to Populate the Result Tables

This representative data flow diagram of the Data Foundation application illustrates its data flow stages, input and output types, output usage, and the processes that populate results.

Figure 8: Representative data flow diagram of the Data Foundation application

This illustration shows the representative data flow diagram of the Data Foundation application. The explanation follows this illustration.

The data flow process can be categorized into two main categories. They are:

1.     Populating Stage Tables

In this process, data is populated into the Data Foundation Stage master tables and Stage tables using these sub-processes:

a.     Run Custom ETL or DIH.

b.     Execute Data Quality batches.

2.     For more information about loading Stage tables, see the section Loading OFSAA Staging Tables.

3.     Populating Result Tables

4.     In this process, data is populated in Dimension and Result tables using Stage tables. The sequence of sub-processes is:

a.     Dimension Loading Process:

i.       Populate the DIM_DATES table.

ii.     Seeded Dimensions that are populated during the installation process.

iii.   Populate DIM_ACCOUNT and DIM_POLICY tables.

iv.   Execute other SCD batches to populate corresponding Dimensions.

v.     Load key Dimensions using AMHM.

b.     Loading data into the Result tables using the T2T batch execution process.

These Result tables are used by other Analytical Applications to create reports. Some of the applications are listed here:

·        IFRS17

·        Solvency II

·        Customer Insight

Execution Processes

This section provides the loading or execution process details of the Seeded Data, SCD, and T2T.


·        Prerequisites for the Execution Processes

·        Dimension Loading Process

·        Seeded Data

·        Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) Process

·        Load Key Dimensions using AMHM

·        Table to Table (T2T) Loading Process

Prerequisites for the Execution Processes

After OIDF application installation is successfully complete, as a prerequisite to initiate the SCD process or T2T process, follow these steps:



This procedure must be performed once only after a fresh installation of the application and also after installing an upgrade.

In this section, ensure that you execute the batch corresponding to the required Data Quality. To access the Run Name or Batch Name, and the order of execution, see the latest version of Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack Run Chart.


1.     Complete the OIDF application installation and post-installation configuration procedures successfully. For detail procedures, see Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack Installation and Configuration Guide Release

2.     Populate Data into the Stage Master Tables.

Populate data into all the Stage Master tables with all the required records by loading custom ETL or DIH.



Data is already loaded into the OIDF Stage Master tables (see the step with Populating Stage Tables in the section Technical Flow to Populate the Result Tables).


3.     Populate the DIM_DATES table.

To populate the DIM_DATES table, see the section Time Dimension Transformation.

4.     Execute the Data Quality (DQ) batches.

Data that is required to execute a DQ is already loaded into the OIDF Stage tables (see the section Technical Flow to Populate the Result Tables).

To execute the DQ batches, see the DQ Group Execution section.

Dimension Loading Process

Use one of the following processes to load the data into the Dimension tables:

·        Seeded Data

·        Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) Process

·        Load Key Dimensions using AMHM

Seeded Data

This is an automatic process wherein the Seeded data for Dimensions, which are packaged within the installer, are populated during the installation.



To access the Seeded Data for Dimensions, see the latest version of the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack Run Chart.


Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) Process

A Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) is a dimension that stores and manages both current and historical data over a period in a data warehouse. SCDs are dimensions that contain data, which changes slowly rather than changing on a time-based regular schedule.

In the SCD process, the SCD batch execution is used to populate data in the Dimension tables.


·        If you are executing the Dimension SCD Process after a fresh installation or after installing an upgrade, or when there are changes made in the Stage table data, first perform steps given in the section Prerequisites for the Execution Processes.

·        Ensure you execute the batch corresponding to the required Dimension table. To access the Run Name or Batch Name, and the order of execution, see the latest version of Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack Run Chart.

·        The SKeys of the Dimension tables are used to structure the Result tables (Fact tables) for populating the data. Therefore, this process serves as the prerequisite to the T2T Loading process.

·        For functional information about Dimension loading, see the section About Dimension Loading Process.


To populate data in a Dimension table, follow these procedures:

1.     Execute the SCD Batch of the DIM_ACCOUNT table.

2.     Execute the SCD Batch of the DIM_POLICY table.

3.     Execute the DIM_INSURANCE_SCD Batch.

4.     Execute the <INFODOM>_DATA_FOUNDATION_SCD batch for the required Dimension table.

5.     Verify Log Files and Check Error Messages.

Execute the SCD Batch of the DIM_ACCOUNT Table

To execute the SCD batch of the DIM_ACCOUNT table, perform the steps in the following section.


·        Execute the SCD Batch

Execute the SCD Batch

To execute the SCD batch, follow these steps:

1.     Navigate to the Batch Execution page.

From OFSAA Home, select Oracle Insurance Data Foundation, select Operations, and then select Batch Execution.

2.     Select the Batch ID.

The Batch Execution page is displayed.  

Figure 9: Navigate to the Batch Execution page

This illustration shows the navigation to the Batch Execution page. The Batch Execution page consists of Batch Mode, Search, Batch Details, and Task Details sections. Perform the actions mentioned in the steps that follow this illustration.

a.     In the Batch Mode section, select the Run option.

b.     In the Batch Details section, search and select the required Batch ID.

Figure 10: Select the Batch ID

This illustration shows selecting the Batch ID. There are different Batch IDs for different types of Dimension tables. See the steps that follow this illustration for more information.

    For the DIM_ACCOUNT table, select the Batch ID <INFODOM>_DIM_ACCOUNT_SCD.

    For the DIM_POLICY table, select the Batch ID <INFODOM>_INSURANCE_SCD and include only DIM_POLICY related Stage table tasks.

    For all other Dimension tables, select the Batch ID <INFODOM>_DATA_FOUNDATION_SCD.

The Task Details section lists the tasks corresponding to the selected Batch ID. The list consists of all the Stage tables that are mapped to Dimension tables.

3.     Exclude or include tasks from or into the SCD batch.

Figure 11: Select the task Exclude/Include option

This illustration shows how to exclude or include tasks from or into the SCD batch. For the selected Batch ID, corresponding Task details are listed. Select the Exclude/Include icon to exclude or include a task from or into the required SCD batch.

a.     Make a note of the Metadata Value (SCD map reference number) and the Task ID for the required Dimension table.



To populate the Dimension table from its corresponding Stage Master table, use SCD packaged in OIDF with the respective Map Reference Number.


b.     To exclude or include a task from or into the required SCD batch, in the Task Details section, click the Exclude/Include icon.

c.     The Task Mapping – Exclude/Include page is displayed.

Figure 12: The task Exclude/Include page

This illustration shows the task Exclude/Include page for the selected Batch ID. This page consists of Available Tasks and Set Tasks sections, move to right and move to left arrows, and OK and Close buttons.

d.     Include or exclude the tasks.

In the Task Details section, select the tasks that must be excluded from the batch execution procedure, and click > to move those tasks from the Available Tasks section to the Set Tasks section. The Available Tasks list consists of tasks that are available for the execution of Dimension table.

Figure 13: Exclude the Tasks

This illustration shows how to exclude tasks for the selected Batch ID from an available list of tasks. In the Available Tasks section, select the tasks that needs to be excluded from the SCD batch and move them to the Set Tasks section. Click OK to save the selection.

e.     Confirm the task inclusion or exclusion.

Figure 14: The selected task is listed in the Task Details section

This illustration shows the selected task list in the Task Details section. The Task Status of the included (highlighted) task is N, and this task is executed during the batch execution. The excluded task(s) are displayed in the Grey color with Task Status as K.

i.       To save the changes, click OK. The following warning message is displayed: If you exclude a task, it will be skipped when executing the batch but, the precedence will not be altered. Do you want to exclude the selected task(s)?

ii.     To proceed, click OK. The Task Details list consists only of the tasks present in the Available Tasks list. For example, in the following screenshot, the included (highlighted) task, of which the Task Status is N, and this task is executed during the batch execution. The excluded task(s) are displayed in the Grey color with Task Status as K.

4.     Select the FIC_MIS date.

In the Information Date section, click the calendar icon and select the required date. This date is the FIC_MIS date populated in the DIM_DATES table.

Figure 15: Select the FIC_MIS date and click Execute Batch

This illustration shows selecting the FIC_MIS date and executing the SCD Batch.

5.     Execute the SCD batch.

Click Execute Batch to run the selected SCD batch with one of the following selected task:

§       For the DIM_ACCOUNT table, execute the Batch ID <INFODOM>_DIM_ACCOUNT_SCD.

§       For the DIM_POLICY table, execute the Batch ID <INFODOM>_INSURANCE_SCD and include only DIM_POLICY related Stage table tasks.

§       For all other Dimension tables, execute the Batch ID <INFODOM>_DATA_FOUNDATION_SCD.

6.     Confirm the SCD batch execution.

a.     The following pop-up message is displayed: Do you want to execute the batch for MIS Date <MIS_Date>. To execute the batch, click OK.

b.     The following acknowledgment message is displayed: Batch triggered successfully. The Batch Run Identification is: <Batch Run ID>. Click OK to continue. The SCD batch is executed. As a result, data is populated in the target Dimension table.

Execute the SCD Batch of the DIM_POLICY Table



To load data into the DIM_POLICY table, execute the SCD batch for all the corresponding stage tables.


To execute the SCD batch of the DIM_POLICY table, see the Execute the SCD Batch section.

Execute the DIM_INSURANCE_SCD batch

To execute the DIM_INSURANCE_SCD batch, see the Execute the SCD Batch section.

Execute the <INFODOM>_DATA_FOUNDATION_SCD Batch for the Dimension Table


If you are executing this Dimension SCD Process after a fresh installation or after installing an upgrade, or when there are changes made in the Stage table data, first perform steps given in the following procedures:

1.      Prerequisites for the Execution Processes.

2.      Execute the SCD Batch of the DIM_ACCOUNT table.

3.      Execute the SCD Batch of the DIM_POLICY table.


To execute the <INFODOM>_DATA_FOUNDATION_SCD batch, follow these steps:

1.     Verify the presence of data in the Stage Master table.

2.     Execute the SCD batch.

3.     Check the execution status of the SCD batch.

Verify Presence of Data in the Stage Master Table

Verify if data is present in the Stage master table corresponding to the required Dimension table with all the required records.



Data is already loaded into the OIDF Stage Master tables (see the section Technical Flow to Populate the Result Tables).

Execute the SCD Batch

To execute the SCD batch, see the Execute the SCD Batch section.

Check the Execution Status of the SCD Batch

To check the execution status of the SCD batch, follow these steps:

1.     Navigate to the Batch Monitor page.

From OFSAA Home, select Oracle Insurance Data Foundation, select Operations, and then select Batch Monitor.

Figure 16: Navigate to the Batch Monitor page

This illustration shows the navigation to the Batch Monitor page. This page consists of the Batch Details, Batch Status, Task Details, and Event Log sections. Perform the actions mentioned in the steps that follow this illustration.

2.     Select the Batch ID <INFODOM>_DATA_FOUNDATION_SCD.

The Batch Monitor page appears on the right-hand side. In the Batch Details section, select the Batch ID that was executed during the Execute the SCD Batch step, that is, select the <INFODOM>_DATA_FOUNDATION_SCD Batch ID.

3.     Select the FIC_MIS Date and Batch Run ID.

Figure 17: Select the Batch ID, FIC_MIS Date, and Batch Run ID

This illustration shows selecting the Batch ID, FIC_MIS Date, and Batch Run ID details. Then select the Start Monitoring icon to begin the Batch monitoring process.

c.     In the Batch, Run Details section, click the Information Date box and select the required FIC_MIS Date. The SCD batch was executed on this date.

d.     Then click the Batch Run ID box and select the required value.

e.     Click the Start Monitoring icon.

4.     Check the Batch status.

Figure 18: Batch execution status

This illustration shows the Batch execution status in the form of a message. More information is provided in the paragraph that follows this illustration.

In the Batch Monitor page, the Batch Status, Task Details, and Event Log sections are displayed in addition to the existing details.

The following are the types of Status messages:

§       Not Started

§       Ongoing

§       Failure

§       Successful

When a Batch Status is indicated as Successful, valid data is populated in the Dimension table.

Verify Log Files and Check Error Messages

Use one of these two methods to access the SCD batch execution log files to view the complete log generated during the SCD batch execution:

·        View and download the log files from the application UI.

·        View log files in the application server.

·        Check error messages.

View and Download the Log Files from the Application UI

To view and download the log files from the application UI, follow these steps:

1.     In the Task Details section, select the task that was executed and click View Log.

Figure 19: Select View Log for the Task that was included in the Batch execution

This illustration shows selecting View Log for the Task that was included in the Batch execution.

2.     Select and view the log file.

The View Logger page is displayed.

Figure 20: Verify the log file content in the View Logger page

This illustration shows verifying the log file content in the View Logger page. Perform the actions mentioned in the steps that follow this illustration.

In the Log File box, select the required file, and then click View Log. The complete log information is displayed in the Log File Contents section.

Two types of log files are generated:

§       SCDCPP.log

§       FICGEN.log

3.     To download a copy of the log file content to the system, click Download.

View Log Files in the Application Server

To view the execution log file on the application server, verify the files in the following directory:




For comprehensive information on the configuration and execution of a batch, see the Oracle Financial Services Advanced Analytical Applications Infrastructure User Guide Release


Check the Error Messages

To check the error messages, open the log file present in the ftpshare/logs/<Run_Date>/<infodom>/RUN_EXECUTABLE directory for the Dimension tables.

Post SCD Process

When the SCD process is complete, individual numeric Surrogate Keys are generated for each identifier associated with that Dimension table. This SKey is unique within each Dimension table. The SKeys of the Dimension table is used to structure the resulting tables (Fact tables) for populating the data.

The Dimension table is joined with the Reporting or Processing tables.



To access the list of all Stage Master tables, see the SYS_TBL_MASTER table.

To check the mapping from a Stage table column to the Dimension table column, see the SYS_STG_JOIN_MASTER table using Map Reference Number.

For more information about the Dimension table loading process, see the chapter About Dimension Loading Process.


Load Key Dimensions using AMHM

For more information about loading the Dimensions using AMHM, see the Dimension Management section in the Oracle Financial Services Advanced Analytical Applications Infrastructure User Guide Release and Dimension Load Procedure section in the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Data Model Utilities User Guide.

Table to Table (T2T) Loading Process

After OIDF is installed successfully, the following standard Run pipelines (PMF processes) are available out-of-the-box in the PMF:

·        Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run: This Run pipeline (Process) loads all non-Run enabled tables in OIDF. For data movement from Stage tables to Result tables, this Run can be executed once per day, where the Result tables do not consist of Run SKey.

·        Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run: This Run pipeline (Process) loads all Run enabled tables in OIDF. For data movement from Stage tables to Result tables, this Run can be executed any number of times per day with each unique Run SKey.


If you are following this T2T Process after the first-ever application installation or after the upgrade installation, then perform steps in these procedures:

1.      Prerequisites for the Execution Processes.

2.      Execute the SCD Batch of the DIM_ACCOUNT table.

3.      Execute the SCD Batch of the DIM_POLICY table.

4.      Execute the DIM_INSURANCE_SCD Batch.

5.      Execute the <INFODOM>_DATA_FOUNDATION_SCD batch for the required Dimension table.

To access the Run Name and their order of execution, see the latest version of the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack Run Chart.

For information about loading multiple load runs, see the chapter Loading Multiple Load Runs in OFSAA.

To create a custom Run process in PMF, see the Configure and Manage Custom Pipelines for OIDF Functions section.

To create a T2T, see the Data Management Framework section in the Oracle Financial Services Advanced Analytical Applications Infrastructure User Guide Release

For illustration, the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process is primarily used.


To load all non-Run enabled tables in OIDF using the out-of-the-box Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process, or to load all Run enabled tables in OIDF using the out-of-the-box Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run process, perform the steps in the following section:

1.     Prerequisites for loading T2T

2.     Select the Run Parameters and Execute the Run

3.     Verify the Run Execution

4.     Check Error Messages

5.     Post T2T Process

Prerequisites for Loading T2T

To resave the hierarchies, follow these steps:

1.     From OFSAA Home, select Oracle Insurance Data Foundation, select Unified Analytical Metadata, select Business Metadata Management, and then select Save Metadata. The Metadata Resave page is displayed.

Figure 21: Navigate to the Metadata Resave page

This illustration shows navigation to the Metadata Resave page. This page consists of the Metadata Details section, and Available Metadata and Selected Metadata lists, and Save and Reset buttons. Perform the actions mentioned in the steps that follow this illustration.

2.     In the Metadata Resave page, to load values for the Reporting Currency parameter and the Legal Entity parameter, select the following hierarchies:

§       Legal Entity Code for Run (HOIDF001)

§       Reporting Currency Code for Run (HOIDF002)

§       Legal Entity Hierarchy for Run (HOIDF003)

§       User Group Hierarchy (H_GROUP)

Move the selected hierarchies from Available Metadata to Selected Metadata.

Figure 22: Select the Legal Entity and Reporting Currency hierarchies

This illustration shows selecting the Legal Entity and Reporting Currency hierarchies to load values into those hierarchies.

3.     To save the selection, click Save. Or to reset the details and start-over, click Reset.

Figure 23: Save the selected hierarchies

This illustration shows moving the selected hierarchies from the Available Metadata list to the Selected Metadata list. Then select Save to save the selection. Or select Reset to reset the details and start-over.

After saving the hierarchies, select the Run parameters and execute the Run.

Select the Run Parameters and Execute the Run

To select the Run parameters and execute the Run, follow these steps:

1.     From OFSAA Home, select Oracle Insurance Data Foundation, click Administration Administrator icon. In the Information Domain list, select the information domain required for OIDF, and then click the Process Modelling Framework tile.

A submenu is displayed. Click Process Modeller to access the Process Modeller page.

§       In the following illustration, the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process and Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run process are shown.

Figure 24: Process Modeller page with OIDF Source Run and OIDF Execution Run Process

This illustration shows the Process Modeller page with OIDF Source Run and OIDF Execution Run process.

2.     Select the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process. The corresponding process flow is displayed in a page. The Process Flow  canvas contains a toolbar and a drawing canvas. Use the drawing canvas to design the process flow with the Activity, Transition, and Widget components available in the floating toolbar with Sub Pipeline (sub-process) activity as the base. Each Sub Pipeline activity represents each of the Data Load process in the OIDF Source Run, and Average Balances process. The Sub Pipeline activities are executed in a series.

§       The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process.

Figure 25: OIDF Source Run Process Flow

This illustration shows the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Sourced Run Process Flow. Each Sub Pipeline represents a data load process in this application. These Sub Pipeline activities are executed in a series.

§       The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run process.

Figure 26: OIDF Execution Run Process Flow

This illustration shows the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Sourced Run Process Flow. Each Sub Pipeline represents a data load process in this application. These Sub Pipeline activities are executed in a series.

3.     Double-click a Sub Pipeline activity to see the details related to its Sub Process Details.

§       The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process.

Figure 27: OIDF Source Run Process with Sub Process Details

This illustration shows the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Sourced Run Process with Sub Process details.

§       The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run process.

Figure 28: OIDF Execution Run Process with Sub Process Details

This illustration shows the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run Process with Sub Process details.

4.     On the drawing canvas, select the Definition, Application Rule, and Data Fields icons to see the respective details.

§       The following illustrations are for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process.

Figure 29: OIDF Source Run Process with Definition Details

This illustration shows the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Sourced Run Process with the Definition tab details. Edit the required details and save the updates.

Figure 30: OIDF Source Run Process with Application Rule Details

This illustration shows the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Sourced Run Process with the Application Rule tab details. Edit the required details and save the updates.

Figure 31: OIDF Source Run Process with Data Fields Details

This illustration shows the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Sourced Run Process with the Data Fields tab details. Edit the required details and save the updates.

§       The following illustrations are for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run process.

Figure 32: OIDF Execution Run Process with Definition Tab Details

This illustration shows the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run Process with the Definition tab details. Edit the required details and save the updates.

Figure 33: OIDF Execution Run Process with Application Rule Tab Details

This illustration shows the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run Process with the Application Rule tab details. Edit the required details and save the updates.

Figure 34: OIDF Execution Run Process with Data Fields Tab Details

This illustration shows the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run Process with the Data Fields tab details. Edit the required details and save the updates.

5.     In the Process Modeller page, click Menu icon corresponding to the Insurance Liability Contracts Data Load Process that must be executed. Click Execute Run. A Job ID is created in the Process Monitor page for each Sub Pipeline (sub-process) and every time a process is executed.

§       The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process.

Figure 35: OIDF Source Run Process - Select Execute Run

This illustration shows the selection of the Execute Run in the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Sourced Run Process.

§       The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run process.

Figure 36: OIDF Execution Run Process - Select Execute Run

This illustration shows the selection of the Execute Run in the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run Process.

6.     The Execution page is displayed with the Run parameters.

§       The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process (and for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run).

Figure 37: OIDF Source Run and OIDF Execution Run Processes - Execution Page Without Parameters

This illustration shows the Execution without parameters page in the OIDF Source Run and OIDF Execution Run Processes.

Enter and select the required details to execute the Run without parameters.

To execute the Run with parameters, select With Parameters in the Execution Type list.

Figure 38: OIDF Source Run Process - Execution Page With Parameters

This illustration shows the Execution with parameters page in the OIDF Source Process. When you enter the required Run parameters and select the Accept icon, the Run execution is triggered. The functionalities are described in detail in the tabular column that follows this illustration.

Figure 39: OIDF Execution Run Process - Execution Page With Parameters

This illustration shows the Execution with parameters page in the OIDF Execution Process. When you enter the required Run parameters and select the Accept icon, the Run execution is triggered. The functionalities are described in detail in the tabular column that follows this illustration.

Select or enter the required values for each field as follows.

Table 7: Insurance Liability Contracts Data Load Process - Execution Page With Parameters and description

Field Name

Description or Instruction

Reporting Currency

Use the icon Link icon to select the Reporting Currency Code used to calculate the amount during the data population in the target table.

Legal Entity

Use the icon Link icon to select the Legal Entity Code to identify the legal entity used for the Run.

Consolidation Type

Select the Consolidation Type of legal entities on a solo or consolidation basis. In a Solo Run, only the selected legal entity is used. In a Consolidated Run, along with the selected legal entity, all its child legal entities are also used.

Intra Company Elimination

Select the Intra Company Elimination type to eliminate (YES) or skip the elimination (NO) of Intra Company Accounts during a Consolidated Run.

Consolidation Hierarchy

Use the icon Link icon to select the Legal Entity Hierarchy used for the consolidated run. This parameter is not required for the Solo Run.


Use the icon Link icon to select the required accounting standard.


Use the calendar icon Calendar icon to select the extraction date.

Run Execution Description

Enter a longer description of the Run.


7.     To save the details, clickAccept icon.



The execution of the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process is triggered using the selected FIC MIS DATE. The Run SKey is generated and inserted into the DIM_RUN table. For the Run SKey generated, the corresponding user-selected Run parameters are inserted into the RUN_EXE_PARAMETERS table.


8.     To verify the Run execution status of the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process (or the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run process), see the Verify the Run Execution section.



To abort, resume, or rerun the Run Pipeline process in the Process Monitor page, see the Abort, Resume, or Rerun the Process section.


Verify the Run Execution

To verify the Run execution status of the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process (or the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run process), follow these steps:

1.     To open the Process Monitor page, in the Process Modeller page, click Process Monitor icon or select Process Flow Monitor from the Process Modeller menuProcess Modeller menu.

§       The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process.

Figure 40: OIDF Source Run Process – Select Process Flow Monitor

This illustration shows selecting Process Flow Monitor in the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Sourced Run Process.

§       The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run process.

Figure 41: OIDF Execution Run Process – Select Process Flow Monitor

This illustration shows selecting Process Flow Monitor in the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run Process.

2.     The Process Monitor page opens displaying all the Run instances corresponding to the Insurance Liability Contracts Data Load Process. In the Process Monitor page, for the required Run pipeline (process) that was executed, search the Run instance by Job ID, or by the Process Name Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run (or Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run), and select the Run process instance.

§       The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process.

Figure 42: OIDF Source Run Process – Process Monitor Page – Select Job ID

This illustration shows selecting the Job ID in the Process Monitor page for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Sourced Run Process.

§       The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run process.

Figure 43: OIDF Execution Run Process – Process Monitor Page – Select Job ID

This illustration shows selecting the Job ID in the Process Monitor page for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run Process.

3.     A status page opens, which displays the execution status of the executed Run instance.

§        The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process.

Figure 44: OIDF Source Run Process – Run Execution Status

This illustration shows the Run Execution Status of the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run Process. The Data Load Process with a tick mark indicates that the Sub Process is successfully executed.

§       The following illustration is for the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run process.

Figure 45: OIDF Execution Run Process – Run Execution Status

This illustration shows the Run Execution Status of the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Execution Run Process. The Data Load Process with a tick mark indicates that the Sub Process is successfully executed.

f.       To verify the execution status for a Sub Pipeline, double-click the Sub Pipeline. The execution status related to the Sub Pipeline is displayed. In this illustration, the Legal Entity Data Load Process sub pipeline is used.

Figure 46: OIDF Sourced (Execution) Run Process – Run Execution Status of the Sub Pipeline

This illustration shows the Run execution status of the Sub Pipeline of the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Sourced or Execution Run Process. The tick mark indicates that the Sub Process is successfully executed.

iii.   To verify the execution log of a T2T in the Sub Pipeline, double-click the required T2T widget. A page is displayed containing the Activity Definition and Activity Logs details. In the Activity Definition tab, click the Execution Log.

Figure 47: Activity Definition and Activity Logs details for T2T Run Execution in the OIDF Sourced (or Execution) Run Process

This illustration shows the Activity Definition and Activity Logs details of a T2T in Sub Pipeline. This is displayed for both OIDF Sourced Run and OIDF Execution Run Process in the Run Execution Status of a T2T in Sub Pipeline. Select Execution Log.

iv.   The Execution Logs page is displayed. Select the required Log File in the list and click View Log.

v.     The log details are displayed in the Log File Contents section. To download a copy of the log details, click Download.

The following two types of log files are generated:



g.     In the Sub Pipeline Run Execution Status page, to see the activity log corresponding to the executed T2T, clickActivity Logs icon.

Figure 48: Activity Logs of a T2T in OIDF Sourced (Execution) Run Process

This illustration shows the Activity Logs of a T2T in OIDF Sourced or Execution Run Process.

For information about the complete functioning of the PMF, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Process Modelling Framework Orchestration Guide Release

To design and execute a custom Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Source Run process, see the Configure and Manage Custom Pipelines for OIDF Functions section.

Check Error Messages

To check the error messages, see the log file present in the ftpshare/logs/<Run_Date>/<infodom>/LOAD DATA directory for any T2T.

Post T2T Process

When the T2T process is complete, data is populated in the Result tables.



AAI_DMT_MAPPING_DETAILS table contains all the Stage, Dimension, and Fact tables. This table contains details about what source table-column level mapping must be done to the Result <TABLE>.<COLUMN>.

AAI_DMT_DEF_SOURCE_ENTITY table contains all the Expressions.

AAI_DMT_DEFINITION table contains all the Join conditions.

Each Join query must contain SKey. The join between a Dimension table and Fact table is based on the SKey.