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Oracle® Communications Tekelec Platform Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Release 7.6
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SNMP Administration Elements

On the active network OAM&P server, the SNMP Administration page provides for the configuration of SNMP services. Table 3-51 describes the elements of the SNMP Administration page.

Table 3-51 SNMP Administration Elements

Element Description Data Input Notes
Configuration Mode A configuration mode that determines whether the trap configuration is applied to all servers in the system or only to a specific site.

Format: Option

Range: Global or Per-Site

Manager 1 Manager to receive SNMP traps and send requests. It could be a valid IP address or a valid hostname.
Valid IPv4, IPv6 address or a valid hostname. The port is optional, and can be specified by following the network address with a colon (:) and the port number.


IPv6 address must be encased in square brackets if the port is to be specified, for example, [address]:port.

IPv4 addresses are 32 bits, represented in a dot-decimal notation like this: x.x.x.x where each x (called an octet) is a decimal value from 0 to 255. They are separated by periods. For example: and are valid IPv4 addresses.

IPv6 addresses are 128 bits, represented in a colon-hexadecimal notation like this: z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z where each z is a group of hexadecimal digits ranging from 0 to ffff. They are separated by colons. Leading zeros may be omitted in each group. "::" can be used (at most once) in an IPv6 address to represent a range of as many zero fields as needed to populate the address to eight fields. So the IPv6 address 2001:db8:c18:1:260:3eff:fe47:1530 can also be represented as 2001:0db8:0c18:0001:​0260:3eff:fe47:1530 and the IPv6 address ::1 is the same as 0000:0000:0000:0000:​0000:0000:0000:0001

Hostname Format: Alphanumeric [a-z, A-Z, 0-9] and minus sign (-)

Hostname Range: 1 to 255-character string

Port Format: Numeric

Port Range: 1 to 65535


If the port is not specified, the standard SNMP trap port of 162 is used.

Default: No manager is configured.

Manager 2 Manager to receive SNMP traps and send requests. It could be a valid IP address or a valid hostname. See description for Manager 1.
Manager 3 Manager to receive SNMP traps and send requests. It could be a valid IP address or a valid hostname. See description for Manager 1.
Manager 4 Manager to receive SNMP traps and send requests. It could be a valid IP address or a valid hostname. See description for Manager 1.
Manager 5 Manager to receive SNMP traps and send requests. It could be a valid IP address or a valid hostname. See description for Manager 1.
Enabled Versions Enables the specified version(s) of SNMP. Options are:
  • SNMPv2c: Allows SNMP service only to managers with SNMPv2c authentication.
  • SNMPv3: Allows SNMP service only to managers with SNMPv3 authentication.
  • SNMPv2c and SNMPv3: Allows SNMP service to managers with either SNMPv2c or SNMPv3 authentication. This is the default.

Format: List

Range: SNMPv2c, SNMPv3, or SNMPv2c and SNMPv3

Default: SNMPv2c and SNMPv3

Traps Enabled Enables or disables SNMP trap output. The GUI user may selectively disable sending autonomous traps to SNMP managers when alarms are raised. Default is enabled. Access to alarm and KPI tables is not affected by this setting.

Format: Checkbox

Range: Enabled or Disabled

Default: Enabled

Traps from Individual Servers Enables or disables SNMP traps from individualservers. If enabled, the traps are sent from individual servers, otherwise traps are sent from the Network OAM&P server.

Format: Checkbox

Range: Enabled or Disabled

Default: Disabled

SNMPV2c Read-Only Community Name Configured Read-Only Community Name (SNMPv2c only). Public is the default. This field is required when SNMPv2c is enabled in Enabled Versions. The length of community name should be less than 32 characters.

Format: Alphanumeric [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]

Range: 1 - 31 characters

Default: snmppublic


The Community Name cannot equal Public or Private.
SNMPV2c Read-Write Community Name Configured Read-Write Community Name (SNMPv2c only). Public is the default. This field is required when SNMPv2c is enabled in Enabled Versions. The length of community name should be less than 32 characters.

Format: Alphanumeric [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]

Range: 1 - 31 characters

Default: snmppublic


The Community Name cannot equal Public or Private.
SNMPv3 Engine ID Configured Engine ID (SNMPv3 only). This field is required when SNMPv3 is enabled in Enabled Versions. A unique Engine ID value is generated by default.

Format: Hex digits 0-9 and a-f

Range: 10 - 64 characters

Default: A unique Engine ID value

SNMPv3 Username Specifies an authentication username (SNMPv3 only). The default is TekSNMPUser. This field is required when SNMPv3 is enabled in Enabled Versions.

Format: Alphanumeric [a-z, A-Z, 0-9]

Range: 1 - 32 characters

Default: TekSNMPUser

SNMPv3 Security Level Sets authentication and privacy options (used for SNMPv3 only).

Format: List

  • No Auth No Priv: Authenticate using the user name. No Privacy.
  • Auth No Priv: Authenticate using the MD5 or SHA1 protocol. No Privacy.
  • Auth Priv: Authenticate using the MD5 or SHA1 protocol. Encrypt using the AES or DES protocol. This is the default value.

Default: Auth Priv

SNMPv3 Authentication Type Sets authentication protocol (used for SNMPv3 only).

Format: List

Range: SHA-1 or MD5

Default: SHA-1

SNMPv3 Privacy Type Sets privacy protocol (used for SNMPv3 only). This field is required when SNMPv3 Security Level is set to Auth Priv.

Format: List

  • AES: Use Advanced Encryption Standard privacy.
  • DES: Use Data Encryption Standard privacy.

Default: AES

SNMPv3 Password Authentication password set up for the user specified in SNMPv3 Username (used for SNMPv3 only). This field is required when SNMPv3 is enabled and privacy is enabled in SNMPv3 Security Level.

Format: Any characters]

Range: 8 - 64 characters