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Oracle® Communications Tekelec Platform Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Release 7.6
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Routes Elements

Table 4-5 describes the elements of the Routes page.

Table 4-5 Routes Elements

Tab/Field Description
Server Group/Server Server groups are presented in tabs at the top of the main work area. Selecting a specific server group reveals the individual servers of that group. Alternatively, selecting the Entire Network tab reveals all the servers defined in the system. After selecting a specific server group, the user has the option of selecting a specific server or selecting Entire Server Group to reveal the existing routes.
Route Type The type of route. Possible types are:
  • Net (A route that serves a specific network)
  • default (The default route for that server)
  • Host (A route to a specific target host)
Destination The destination network IP address and prefix length in the format: IP Address/Prefix Length
Netmask A valid netmask for the destination network
Gateway The IP Address of the gateway for the route
Device Name The network device through which traffic is being routed.


This is not available on the Entire Server Group tab.
Scope Status The current number of servers where the route was successfully configured out of the total servers in the server group.


This column is only present for server group scoped routes.
Route Scope The scope of the route. Possible types are server and server group.


This column is only present for server sub-tabs.
Configuration Status The configuration status of the route. The possible states are:
  • Discovered (provisioned directly on the server)
  • Configured (provisioned through the GUI; server update is pending)
  • Deployed (provisioned through the GUI; server update is complete)
  • Pending (edit or delete update in progress)
  • Deferred (server cannot be reached for updates)
  • Error (specific error text is displayed in the Configuration Status field)
Is Locked? Status of the lock state. The possible states are:
  • Locked (Not available for edit or delete)
  • Unlocked (Available for edit or delete)