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Oracle® Communications Tekelec Platform Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Release 7.6
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File Name Formats APDE

This table describes the file content types and file name formats for files written to the file management storage area using the Automated Performance Data Export (APDE) framework. APDE defines a common process by which various performance indicators and logs are exported to the file management storage area. These are Alarms, Events, KPIs, Measurements, and Security Logs.


This section describes the system generated file names only.

In general, APDE generates files with a file name format of:

<directory path>/<name><suffix><ext>

Using an example of the type Events a file name might look like:


In this example the <directory path> includes export/<hostname>/<export type>/. The <name> includes <export type>_<date-time-tz>_<task id>. The <suffix> is csv and the <ext> is gz.


Depending on the filtering used when the data was exported to the file management area, a scope may be added to the path. This may include a network element or server group.
There are five export type categories differentiating the directory paths. We used Events in the example but the full list includes:
  • Alarms
  • Events
  • KPI
  • Seculog
  • Measurements


The measurements export type is only under the Measurements export type directory. The supported types vary according to the measurements offered by the application.
Following the export type in the <directory path> comes the <name>. With the exception of measurement export file names, the first part of the <name> typically begins with the export type. Names vary per export type but are similar to:
  • Alarms_<date-time-tz>_<task id>
  • Events_<date-time-tz>_<task id>
  • KPI_<date-time-tz>_<task id>
  • Seculog_<date-time-tz>_<task id>
  • <Measurements> have varying name formats which include (but not limited to):
    • MeasSimple_<date-time-tz>_<task id>
    • MeasSimple_<date-time-tz>_<measurement group>_<task id>
    • MeasArrayed_<date-time-tz>_<task id>
    • MeasArrayed_<date-time-tz>_<measurement group>_<task id>
    • <type name>_<date-time-tz>_<task id>
    • <type name>_<date-time-tz>_<measurement group>_<task id>


Task ID uniquely identifies an individual export task and can be correlated to an active task under Status & Manage > Tasks > Active Tasks.

By default the <suffix> is csv (comma-separated value).

The file <ext> dictates the compression used and is user defined. The default is gzip. See Remote Servers for details on choosing file compression. Table 7-20 lists the file content types.

Table 7-20 File Name Formats Exports

File Content Type File Name Common Examples
Exports (APDE)
Alarms & Events

A common example of an events file is:

export/<hostname>/Events/Events_<date-time-tz>_<task id>.csv.gz

A common example of an alarms file is:

export/<hostname>/Alarms/Alarms_<date-time-tz>_<task id>.csv.gz

Each of these types are comma-separated value files (csv) compressed using gzip (gz).

Security Logs

A common example of a security log file is:

export/<hostname>/Seculog/Seculog_<date_time_tz>_<task id>.csv.gz

Each of these types are comma-separated value files (csv) compressed using gzip (gz).


A common example of a KPI file is:

export/<hostname>/KPI/KPI_<date-time-tz>_<task id>.csv.gz

Each of these types are comma-separated value files (csv) compressed using gzip (gz).


Many variations of Measurements files exist. Additionally, the user has the ability to optionally add the measurement group name to the file.

Some common examples without the measurement group added:

export/<hostname>/Measurements/OAM.ALARM/​MeasSimple_<date-time-tz>​_<task id>.csv.gz

export/<hostname>/Measurements/OAM.SYSTEM/​MeasSimple_<date-time-tz>​_<task id>.csv.gz

export/<hostname>/Measurements/OAM.SYSTEM/​MeasArrayed_<date-time-tz>​_<task id>.csv.gz

Some common examples with the measurement group added:

export/<hostname>/Measurements/OAM.ALARM/​MeasSimple_<date-time-tz>​_<measurement group>_<task id>.csv.gz

export/<hostname>/Measurements/OAM.SYSTEM/​MeasSimple_<date-time-tz>​_<measurement group>_<task id>.csv.gz

export/<hostname>/Measurements/OAM.SYSTEM/​MeasArrayed_<date-time-tz>​_<measurement group>_<task id>.csv.gz

Each of these types are comma-separated value files (csv) compressed using gzip (gz).


It is recommended that policies be developed to prevent overuse of the storage area. These might include a procedure to delete files after transferring them to an alternate location using the data export feature. See Remote Servers for details of the feature.