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Oracle@ Communications Diameter Signaling Router Session Binding Repository (SBR)
Release 8.3
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SBR Data Migration

SBR Data Migration is used when the SBR Database topology is to be changed for session databases or universal databases. SBR Data Migration is the process of moving data from the Initial to Target SBR Database by creating new records in the target and allowing records in the initial to be removed by normal PCA Diameter signaling.

There are multiple situations in which SBR Data Migration may occur:
  • Mating (combining SBR Databases when transitioning from stand-alone PCA DSR sites to mated PCA DSR sites or stand-alone DCA sites to mated DCA sites)
  • Un-mating (Separating SBR Databases when transitioning from mated PCA DSR sites to stand-alone PCA DSR sites or mated DCA sites to stand-alone DCA sites)
  • Re-mating (Swapping mate relationships between two sets of mated sites)

For further information on configuring SBR Data Migration Plans, refer to SBR Data Migration Plans.