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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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Create VM Guest work area

The Create VM Guest work area is accessible in the following ways:
  • From the View VM Guest work area, select Clone Guest.
  • From the View VM Host work area, select Create Guest.
The following identification information is on this page:
  • Name (editable field where you enter the name of the new guest)


    This field is required and should be unique.
  • Host (selectable field where you designate the host for the guest)
  • Initial power state (selectable field where you choose whether or not the guest should be running)


    Choices include On, Shutdown, and Destroy. Destroy is disabled because it is not applicable for guest creation.


The VM Info tab contains:
Number of vCPUs
Specify the number of virtual CPUs. Valid values are 1 through 32, inclusive.
Memory (MBs)
Specify the amount of memory in MBs. Valid values are 1 through 262144, inclusive.


A warning alerts you not to oversubscribe host memory to guests, and on newer TVOE hosts, the create guest task will fail with an error if memory is oversubscribed.
Initially, the VM UUID field is blank, but it can be modified using the Edit UUID button. You can chose to leave the VM UUID field blank in order to let the system generate the UUID during the actual guest creation. Clicking the Edit UUID button displays the Edit UUID window.
Initially, the VM UUID field is blank, it will be generated upon completion of guest creation.
Change the value in the UUID text field by typing a value or choose a UUID from a profile. The UUID must adhere to RCF 4122: 128 randomly-generated bits, for example AA97B177-9383-4934-8543-OF91A7A02836. The digit after the second dash is always 4 and the digit or letter after the third dash is always either 8, 9, A, or B. Clicking the Use this UUID button closes the Edit UUID window and populates the VM UUID field with the new value.

The Profile content is automatically generated and is dependent on the content of the /usr/TKLC/smac/etc/uuidprofiles directory. Clicking on a profile within the Profile menu displays the UUID entries from the profile just beneath it. Select one of the UUID entries to populate the value in UUID.

Enable Virtual Watchdog
Select to enable or disable the Virtual Watchdog (present only if the Guest is on a version of TVOE that supports this feature) during the guest creation.
Virtual Disks index card
Use this selectable, editable grid to add or delete virtual disk information. To delete a row pertaining to a disk, select the row and click Delete in the upper right corner of the grid. To add a new row, click Add in the upper right corner of the grid, and then proceed to edit related fields:
Use to designate the primary disk. Only one and only disk must be primary.
Specify the disk size in MBs. Valid values are 1 through 1047527424, inclusive.
Host Pool
Choose the host pool from this dropdown list.
Host Vol Name
Enter the name of the host volume.
Guest Dev Name
Enter the guest development name.
Click to add Virtual Disks.
Click to delete Virtual Disks.
Virtual NICs index card
Use this selectable, editable grid to add or delete virtual NIC information. To delete a row pertaining to a NIC, select the row and click Delete in the upper right corner of the grid. To add a new row, click Add in the upper right corner of the grid, and then proceed to edit related fields:
Host Bridge
Enter the host bridge.
Guest Dev Name
Enter the Guest Dev Name.
Click to add Virtual NICs.
Click to delete Virtual NICs.


The following buttons are available on the Create VM Guest work area:

Table 8-3 Buttons on the Create VM Guest page

Button Description
Create Create is enabled only when all of the information that is required to create a guest is provided. Clicking Create attempts to initiate a new background task that you can monitor on the Task Monitoring page. A message is displayed to confirm success or indicate failure of the action.


You can watch the progress of the background task in the Tasks table.
Import Profile Select to pre-populate most of the information needed to create a guest from one of the guest profiles delivered as part of a software image. Clicking Import Profile displays the Import Profile page that contains the ISO/Profile dropdown menu. Clicking on a profile within the ISO/Profile dropdown menu displays the content of the profile beneath it. Clicking on Select Profile fills out the Create VM Guest using the selected profile content. When you are finished, close the Import Profile window by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the window.

Info list on toolbar

This is an instance of the common status list GUI element that is found on the toolbar of different screens. In this instance, the list is filtered to only show the information for the entities currently selected on the screen.

Task list on toolbar

This is an instance of the common task list GUI element that is found on the toolbar of many different screens. In this instance, the list is filtered to only show the tasks for the entities currently selected on the screen.