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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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View VM Guest work area

The View VM Guest work area is accessible via Main Menu > VM Management. Then, select a guest from the VM Entities list.


The general layout of the View VM Guest work area does not change, regardless of the action that is currently in progress.
The following identification information is displayed at the top of this area:
  • Name
  • Host information
  • Current Power State


    The Current Power State is displayed while viewing the selected guest. To change the power state, make a selection from the menu, then select Change .


The following tabs (based on the data type) are also displayed in the work area:

Table 8-1 View VM Guest work area tabs

Tab Description Contents
VM Info This tab displays information about the configuration of the VM Guest. See Rules for VM Guest creation for the applicable work area rules. The following information is displayed:
  • Number of CPUs
  • Memory (MBs)
  • Virtual Watchdog state (present only if the Guest is on a version of TVOE that supports this feature)
Virtual Disk index card
Lists Primary, Size, Pool, Name, and TPD Device information.
Virtual NICs index card
Lists Host Bridge, Guest Device, and MAC address information (only visible when viewing a guest).
Software This tab contains information specific to the software (if any) that is running on the guest.
Operating System Details index card
Provides detailed information about the network interfaces on a guest . The operating system must provide this data; otherwise, the data is left blank.
Application Details index card
Provides detailed information about the application installed on a guest
The application must provide this data; otherwise, the data is left blank The Version field will display the application version or one of the following upgrade states: Pending Acc/Rej or In Upgrade.


There might be times during an upgrade when PMAC is not able to query and display the upgrade state.
Network This tab contains the Network Interfaces list of the guest.
Network Interfaces index card
Provides detailed information on the network running on the server blade in the selected bay.
Media This tab contains information specific to ISO media attached and available to the guest. The information is not dynamically updated.
Attached Media static table
Lists images currently attached to the guest. Field information is similar to the Host Media tab. The Detach button detaches the image from the guest. The mapping-iso media cannot be detached.
Available Media static table
Lists ISO images on the host. Field information is similar to the Host Media tab. Attach attaches media to the guest.

Use Attach and detach actions on a running guest only. If the guest is restarted, user attached media is removed when the guest is restarted. A limit of 4 media images may can be attached to a guest. The host media can be mounted multiple times to the same or different guests. Device enumeration on the guest is not controlled; media is attached to the next free device, and detach removes the last device matching the image name.


The following buttons are available (if applicable) on the View VM Guest work area:

Table 8-2 Buttons on the View VM Guest work area

Component Description
Edit Edit is visible when viewing a guest. It is selectable only when the guest's power state is ShutDown or when viewing the active PMAC VM guest. This exception is required to edit the PMAC VM configuration without shutting down the running PMAC. A restart is required before the changes take effect. Selecting Edit puts the user in edit mode for the selected guest.
Delete Delete is visible when viewing a guest. Selecting Delete attempts to delete the guest being displayed.
Install OS Install OS is visible when viewing a guest. Selecting it takes the user to the Software Install - Select Image screen where the selected guest is displayed as the target.
Clone Guest Clone Guest is visible when viewing a guest. Selecting Clone Guest displays the Create VM Guest screen where the data from the previously viewed guest populates the data fields.


Cloning a guest will create specified virtual disks, but will not copy the actual content of the disks.
Upgrade Upgrade is visible when viewing a guest. It is selectable when the guest has an OS installed. Selecting Upgrade takes the user to the Software Upgrade - Select Image screen where the selected guest is displayed as the target.
Accept Upgrade Accept Upgrade is visible when viewing a guest. It is selectable when the guest is in the Pending Upgrade Accept/Rej or Pending Upgrade and Patch Acc/Rej upgrade state. Selecting Accept Upgrade initiates an accept upgrade on the guest.
Reject Upgrade Reject Upgrade is visible when viewing a guest. It is selectable when the guest is in the Pending Upgrade Accept/Rej or Pending Upgrade and Patch Acc/Rej upgrade state. Selecting Reject Upgrade initiates a reject upgrade on the guest.
Patch Patch is visible when viewing a guest. It is selectable when the guest has an OS installed. Selecting Patch takes the user to the Software Upgrade - Select Image screen where the selected guest is displayed as the target.
Accept Patch Accept Patch is visible when viewing a guest. It is selectable when the guest is in the Pending Patch Acc/Rej or Pending Upgrade and Patch Acc/Rej upgrade state. Selecting Accept Patch initiates an accept patch on the guest.
Reject Patch Reject Patch is visible when viewing a guest. It is selectable when the guest is in the Pending Patch Acc/Rej or Pending Upgrade and Patch Acc/Rej upgrade state. Selecting Reject Patch initiates a reject patch on the guest.
Refresh Device Map Refresh Device Map is visible when viewing a guest. Selecting Refresh Device Map regenerates ISO for the guest that is kept on its TVOE host. A dialog box confirms the action. If the action fails, an error window below the Virtual Machine Management heading. If the task succeeds, an information window is displayed.

Current Power State indication

The Current Power State indication shows the current power state of the VM Guest, such as Running or Shut Down.

Change button

Use the Change button to change the VM Guest's power state to On, Shutdown, or Destroy.


You do not need to be in Edit mode to change the power state.

Rules for VM Guest creation

Several create mode and edit rules apply to the View VM Guest work area. For example, rules apply to the work area before the Create button can be clicked when in Create mode. To minimize the amount of data that needs to be entered in most situations, initial default values are provided.

The following create mode rules apply to this work area:
  • All fields in the VM Info tab are editable except the MAC addresses of NICs. Those are filled in by PMAC.
  • There must be at least one virtual disk.
  • There must be one and only one primary disk.
  • You can add zero or more NICs. A control NIC will automatically be created.
The following edit mode rules apply to this work area:
  • Both Number of CPUs and Memory are editable.
  • The Enable Virtual Watchdog checkbox is editable. This will not be available if the guest host's TVOE version does not support watchdogs.
  • Virtual disks can only be deleted and added. You cannot edit an existing virtual disk.
  • You must delete a guest in order to delete the primary disk.
  • You cannot delete or change the primary virtual disk.
  • NICs can only be deleted and added. You cannot edit an existing NIC.

The Task list is a common GUI element that is found on the toolbar of many different screens. In this instance of View VM Guest, the list is filtered to show only the tasks for the entities currently selected on the screen.